Step 1: Press Windows Key + G to open the Xbox Game Bar. Step 2: Select the Performance tab at the top. Step 3: Select Performance options in the new window and make sure fps - frames per second is checked under the Metrics section. You can pin the counter anywhere on your screen ...
7. Keep your computer tidy As time goes by, almost every computer shows some speed degradation. The major reason for this slowdown is the accumulation of junk files and apps. To help your computer run faster, you should clean out temporary files, archive or delete unneeded documents, and uni...
Learn how to increase FPS on PC with our ultimate guide: optimize performance, enjoy smooth gameplay, and boost your PC experience!
Here’s how to check for FPS on your computer using the Windows shortcut: Press “Windows key + G” and click on “Performance.” Select “FPS” to check the results. Read the number shown beside the FPS. Remember that if you don’t have a game opened, the FPS won’t show, just...
Next, you’ll need to ensure your game is running in Full Screen exclusive mode, as AFMF does not work in windowed mode. In addition, you’ll also want your display set to 120Hz in-game with VSync turned off. Note that this may produce screen tearing if your game exceeds 120 FPS, ...
Keep in mind that your game won’t be confined to the monitor’s maximum refresh rate. It is going to be limited only ifV-Syncis enabled. The Cheaper, But Still Good, Solution Many games allow you to set a maximum FPS limit Getting a silky smooth picture doesn’t have to be expensive...
If you’re a gamer, you may already know how serious this issue is. Frame Per Second (FPS) is an important parameter that shows you how fast your PC is. But getting this parameter on your screen can be tricky if you have a new laptop or computer. We are here to help!
In order to enjoy the best gaming experience, you should have the latest version of your graphics card driver. When you play games, the Graphics Processing Unit renders the series of images before the CPU displays them on your computer screen. If you have outdated graphics card drivers, your...
There are large differences in how I set up my PC and laptop for the many ways I use them, but I don’t always feel like adjusting everything manually. For example, I always sit down at my PC first thing in the morning with a cup of coffee to check my email...
I had to dial back. (Sad trombone.)Step 4: Increase power & temp limitOnce you hit a limit, set the temp and power limits to the max. Then try again. You’ll likely be able to push the clocks of both the GPU and the memory slightly further, but it won’t be much, and it ...