in alphabetical order), but it won’t tell you what the important ones are. If you’re patient, you can usually find what you need to know in the man page. If you’re impatient, ask a friend—or pay someone to be your friend so that you can ask him or ...
For this chapter, you should log in as the regular user. 安装Linux 时,除了 root 用户外,还应创建至少一个普通用户,这就是 你的个人账户。 在本章中,你应以普通用户身份登录。 2.2.1 The Shell Window(shell 窗口) After logging in, open a shell window (often referred to as a terminal). The...
This chapter is a guide to the Unix commands and utilities that will be referenced throughout this book. This is preliminary material, and you may ...
YourOracle Database Freehas been successfully configured. The next step is to establish its environment variable in your Linux system before we can begin using our database. Set Oracle Database 23c Environment Variables You can utilize the “oraenv” and “coraenv” scripts to setOracle Database...
One way to do remote displaying would be to set this EV to a remote X server.$ export you can run your cool X application and its display will be on$ xclock
[root@oel5u5 ~]# xclock& Xlib: connection to "" refused by server Xlib: No protocol specified Error: Can''t open display: Copy Bash Download To resolve this error, exit your ssh session, use the xhost command to add the remote server to your authorized ...
Oracle 12c R2 database installation file -> Steps Install libraries Set hostname and domain Create groups and users Grant oracle user access to X server Configuring Kernel Parameters and Resource Limits Create directory for Oracle Database ...
then set xhost:xhost +from the linux server telnet to the hpux serverin the hpux server login window export your display to the linux server: export DISPLAY=linux_server_ip_goes_here:0.0launch xclock 0 Kudos Reply Mark Sellan Advisor 09-29-2005 08:49 ...
A good test is to start up a simple X application such as xclock and see whether port 6000 develops an active connection. If so, there is an error in configuration. Instead, you should see port 6010 in use by sshd (for the first session). For those that do not want to use SSH-...
echo "set LINUX_BRAND=linux64 # set LINUX for -32 mode" >> hdfeos_env.csh 3) 1037行编译器设置,把原来的内容注释掉。 CC="gcc -m64 " CFLAGS=" -O2 -g -mcpu=powerpc64 -fPIC" LDFLAGS=" -m64 " Hdfeos的安装源代码目录假设为/usr/ncar/hdfeos/ ...