NFS uses the/etc/exportsfile to define what directories should be shared. Open this file and add the following line. Make sure that theuidandgidmatch theunifi-videouser and group. Adjust the IP to the IP of the NVR. You might want to useZeroTierto create a VPN which allows you to co...
After the ISP modem, comes theUnifi Security Gateway(or USG). This is our hardware firewall which serves as the DHCP router for the whole network and also manages all the VLANs. The USG has a Dual-Core 500 MHz processor with 512MB RAM. It can handle up to 1,000,000 packets per se...
If you are using adedicated NVRfrom Hikvision, the setup should be done on the NVR, not from the camera’s web interface. The steps are very similar to this tutorial. If you are usingBlueIrisor similar NVR software running on a PC, you can either follow the below steps on each Hikvi...
If you want to keep your access points up-to-date and use the guest features at home, then this is where theCloud Keycomes in. The Ubiquiti UniFi Cloud Key Controller (UC-CK) will allow you to manage multiple products and access points from theUniFi familywhilst maintaining full fuctionali...
Here’s my step by step guide forwired camerasandwireless camerasthat shows how you can create VLANs with the Unifi gear. Disable uPNP uPNP or Universal Plug n Play was created to make life easier for us by letting various devices discover each other on a network and work with each other...