As soon as they heard that while 1 year was possible I wasn’t going to sign up for another two years because I wanted the freedom to move my account if they screwed something up, they became incredibly uninterested in me and my monthly payments. They couldn’t explain why a Droid was ...
1.How to change font family for back button title in navigation bar and 2.How to do this in Android. I am looking to set font family for my navigation bar.Wednesday, April 19, 2017 10:44 AMno suitable method to found to override .....
FUU (Faster Universal Unpacker) is a GUI Windows Tool with a set of tools (plugins) to help you to unpack, decompress and decrypt most of the programs packed, compressed or encrypted with the very well knowns software protection programs like UPX, ASPack, FSG, ACProtect, etc. The GUI was...