Gitlab pages are used to publish our static websites from the repository directly using gitlab, we can use gitlab webpages to any personal websites. We can also use it for business websites, we can use HTML or SSG (static site generator) with gitlab pages to publish our website. We ...
Syncing your Publii static site with Gitlab Setting-up Publii to upload to your Gitlab Pages repository is the easiest part of this tutorial, and you'll only need to do it once; after the initial setup you can simply click theSyncbutton to upload changes automatically in the future. Follow...
GitLab Forum Markdown on GitLab Pages How to Use GitLab rares May 3, 2018, 9:30pm 1 Without necessarily working with any particular SSG, is there an easy way to get a Markdown file (e.g., to show up on GitLab pages as an HTML file? On if you put ...
I’m writing a technical article using GitBook to publish into GitLab Pages (forked from the sample GitBook project) but I’ve found that snippets only appear sporadically. When they don’t show, there are messages like th…
Third-party security scanners or custom-built security scanners can be integrated into GitLab to populate the merge request widget, Pipeline Security section, Vulnerability Report, vulnerability pages, Security dashboard, and Scan Result Policies. Let's review each integration....
To connect a domain with GitHub Pages, follow the steps: 1.Sign into yourNamecheap account. 2. SelectDomain Listfrom the left sidebar and click on theManagebutton next to your domain name: 3. Click on theAdvanced DNStab and find theHost recordssection. Then click on theAdd...
Recently, I started thinking about this again and realized there was a solution I hadn't considered: I could continue maintaining the WordPress server but set it up to publish a static mirror and serve that with GitLab Pages (or GitHub Pages if you like). This would allow me to automate...
How to set up a separate place for testing code The person you recently hired, let's call him Patrick, reminds you that there is a featured calledGitLab Pages. It looks like a perfect candidate for a place to preview your work in progress. ...
Today we're sharing everything we know about how to speed up WordPress, over 15 years worth of experience and hard lessons learned, all in one easy guide.
Learn how to set up, configure, and operate an Nginx installation for day-to-day use Explore the vast features of Nginx to manage it like a pro, and use them successfully to run your website Example-based guide to get the best out of Nginx to reduce resource usage footprint This short...