Re: How to update and manage ESP32 or ESP8266 through OTA by ESP_Sprite » Wed Mar 03, 2021 1:59 am Moved Documentation -> Showcase2 posts • Page 1 of 1 Return to “Showcase” Jump to Who is online Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 5 guests... 29.TencentOS_Tiny_EVB_G0_QuickStart...
To configure the device we will use theESP8266 SmartConfig appwhich can be freely downloaded from Google Play. After installation, make sure the mobile device is connected to the same WiFi network to which you want to connect the ESP8266. In the main window of the app, check that the netw...
Re: TimeLib : how to set time(nullptr) ?#89828 Byschufti-Wed Dec 16, 2020 5:07 am maybe have a look at the example in board package how they set internal time (RTC_UTC_TEST) ... TZ-DST.ino ...
If you where to obtain 10 Mbps it would already be very good. Then with all the processing overhead on the chip itself (wlan, lwip, application) on a not so fast CPU, it gets way worse. Having said that, on the ESP8266 I can obtain around 800 Mbytes/sec with CPU speed 160 MHz...
Right now I am starting up my esp32-c3 in APSTA mode using esp-idf. This serves a captive portal where a user can select a wifi network and connect to it, similar to how tasmota and wifimanager work. I am able to connect to a network if I call esp_wifi_stop();, then reconfigur...
// ESP8266 Imports#include<espnow.h>#include<ESP8266WiFi.h>#defineBUTTON_PIN 2#defineCHANNEL 1uint8_tbroadcastAddress[] = {0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF};unsignedlonglastUpdateMillis =0UL;uint8_tflagToSend =0; The setup functions also slightly differ between the MCU types. The ESP...
still running during deep sleep. The reset button also connects to RST. So if you want to check the reason for wakeup: You're out of luck due to a hardware bug in the ESP8266 (which is why you need the external "deep sleep wake up resistor" between D0 and RST in the first place...
How to Make Smart Door Lock With ESP8266 : In this project, we will make a door lock with ESP8266. I use android app for this purpose. This app has two buttons, one is for lock and other is for unlock. You can set the value of lock and unlock button by
To set up and configure Home Assistant, open the web browser on your Windows, macOS, or smartphone and go tohttp://homeassistant.local:8123. If you are using older Windows, use a network scanner app, such as Fing, on your smartphone to find the IP address of your Raspberry Pi Ho...