Sometimes, the Epson Scan 2 error E425-B101 can be caused by problems with the scanner connected to it. This usually comes in the form of an outdated or faulty driver issue. So, you need to ensure your scanner driver is up-to-date. Often, your computer system might not be able to up...
That set her up to join EDS (Electronic Data Systems — in Texas, though she didn’t have to move there) as a SAP consultant, designing MIS systems for Fortune-500 companies. She was laid off in the tech downturn of 2001, but by then had grown tired of the go-go-go tech environmen...
In the laboratory, six leaves per individual were scanned (Epson Perfection V700 photo, 600 dpi) and dried in an oven at 40 °C until constant weight. After drying, these same leaves were weighed to calculate specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf area using ImageJ software. The analysis of ...