By using AiMesh/ZenWiFi system, please make sure the node ports are NOT connected to trunk ports.Scenario 1: For the Basic method to set up Ethernet backhaul, please refer to this: [AiMesh] Can I set up wired connection between AiMesh routers (Ethernet backhaul)? Scenario...
Configure main AiMesh router operation mode to Access point mode (AP mode).[Wireless Router] How to set up operation mode- Access Point(AP) mode? Connect Ethernet cable from modem’s LAN port to AiMesh main router’s “LAN” port. This action allows the main AiMesh router to get IP addr...
Configure main AiMesh router operation mode to Access point mode (AP mode).[Wireless Router] How to set up operation mode- Access Point(AP) mode? Connect Ethernet cable from modem’s LAN port to AiMesh main router’s “LAN” port. This action allows the main AiMesh router to get IP addr...
Please refer to FAQ [AiMesh] What is Ethernet Backhaul Mode/Backhaul Connection Priority in AiMesh System and how to set up in different scenarios? A message is displayed when synchronization is completed. Congratulation! The pages below will now show up when the AiMesh node has successfully been...
CALL SELECTION-SCREEN 100 STARTING AT 10 10 " << POPUP USING SELECTION-SET 'SAP&1'. IF SY-SUBRC NE 0. MESSAGE W599 RAISING NO_VARIANT_SELECTED. ELSE. So, to avoid this popup, avoid creating more variants (which is not good for users). Regards, Naimesh Patel Reply ...
GLuint prev_tex_id_idx =0;//update transformm.Transpose();glPushMatrix();glMultMatrixf((float*)&m);//draw all meshes assigned to this nodefor(; n < nd->mNumMeshes; ++n) {conststructaiMesh* mesh = scene->mMeshes[nd->mMeshes[n]];if(mesh->HasTextureCoords(0)) ...
[Wireless Router] How to use the QIS (Quick Internet Setup) to set up Router ? (Web GUI) [Wireless Router] How to set up ASUS Wi-Fi router via ASUS Router App? (QIS, Quick Internet Setup)Method 2: Update Manually 1. Download the latest version of the firmware for your device from...
Until you get a public IP, you will 'never' be able to use it (afaik). Diversion, Skynet, YazFi, scribe, connmon, ntpMerlin, scMerlin, uiDivStats, uiScribe, Unbound, FlexQoS, disk checker, on Ext4 w/J + 10GB swap file RT-AX86U in wired backhaul (2....
How to Setup Asus RT-AX3000 Router? The Asus RT-AX3000 router is programmed to work with the AiMesh wifi system from Asus and works in connecting multiple devices together with the internet. It gives the assurance of high-speed internet. You can configure the router settings by logging in ...
CALL SELECTION-SCREEN 100 STARTING AT 10 10 " << POPUP USING SELECTION-SET 'SAP&1'. IF SY-SUBRC NE 0. MESSAGE W599 RAISING NO_VARIANT_SELECTED. ELSE. So, to avoid this popup, avoid creating more variants (which is not good for users). Regards, Naimesh Patel Reply ...