“You won’t believe what happened when I took the dog to the park” interests me. I want to know what happened, so I’ll stick with you as long as your story holds me. To keep me turning the pages ofyour book, you need a plot that grabs me by the throat and keeps me with y...
The problem with these is that they take readers offstage to visit the past. Even if they reveal something important to the story, the danger is the cliché of a character daydreaming or actually dreaming and — after the flashback — being jarred back to the present by something or someon...
上文“Many short stories work well in first-person because of their brevity (简洁).(许多短篇故事以第一人称写得很好,因为它们的简洁)”说明很多短篇故事由于其简洁性,以第一人称叙述效果很好,以及下文“If your story needs to be told in second-person or third-person, that works, too.(如果你的故事...
First you play the role of li yang fang and then the role of Susan you partner Mike has and Kim sun you are at the airport to meet you visitor you know each other so great you visit first talk with him and then take him to the hotel. Pledged to meet you representative someone answe...
Have a basic idea for a story, but don't know what to do now? There are a lot of articles telling you how to write once you have a plot, or how to expand your plot once you have the skeleton. But what do you do if you have nothing but the idea? This article will help you...
Understanding afew basic termsmakes it easier to define the plot of a story. Theinciting actionof a plot occurs near the beginning of the story, when the problem or conflict emerges. For example, in the story of Cinderella, the inciting action is the announcement that the prince will choose...
I was prepared to feed this video into my Amazon CD/DVD shredder, but the great MILF Alura Jenson saved the critter's bacon. Sporting dark brown hair rather than her trademark blonde look, the Amazonian star perks up an otherwise very crummy set of vignettes. ...
Storytelling is fundamental to human connection—it’s how we learn, bond, and unwind. Many dream of writing a story, but getting started can be challenging. This guide breaks down the process into five essential steps, explores key story elements, and introduces common plot structures. Work sm...
2. Riches to Rags (fall) As with Rags to Riches, in a Riches to Rags story, there is just one movement. However, this movement is in the opposite direction, afallrather than a rise. In a Riches to Rags story, the protagonist begins the plot in a fairly high place, but slowly thei...
Storyboard Formatting Step 2: Read the scene It should come as no surprise that to make a good storyboard, you need to understand the scene you’re boarding. What is the core purpose of the sequence? What are you trying to get across? How is the plot moving forward, and how are char...