And for good reason. A home-based business can provide a quicker startup path, greater flexibility, and lower startup costs. However, you still have to follow the same startup steps as every other business to succeed. Plus, there are additional considerations because you work from home. This...
Discover the five types of HOA meetings, learn their purpose, who should attend, and get tips on how to organize and run better meetings for your HOA.
To start a successful home-based business, you must find the right idea, create a business plan, understand legal requirements, and set up an office space.
What is an HOA and what does it do? An HOA is a group that governs a neighborhood or multi-unit building, primarily by making and enforcing rules to follow if you live there. HOAs are run by boards of directors, made up of — and elected by — neighborhood residents. Sound like a ...
Property owners at their wit's end with homeowners association officials have options for...Langhorne, Thomas B
“When an owner takes on an HOA, the deck is really stacked against the homeowner,” says Sara Benson, one of CHPPI’s founders and the co-author of “Escaping Condo Jail: The Keys to Navigating the Risks & Surviving Perils of the ‘Carefree’ Community Lifestyle." That ...
It might feel impossible to start saving for a down payment while renting. After all, rent is expensive! But don’t worry—it is possible, and you can do it. Here’s the best way to save for a house. Ramsey Solutions Home Buying ...
With dedication, collaboration, and the right resources, you can help your HOA achieve long-term financial stability and foster a stronger, more engaged community. To learn more about how RealManage can support you in your role, and your community as a whole,contact ustoday!
You own a home. Before you move in, remember to set up the utilities in your name and plan any renovations (large or small) you want to do before moving day. Contact and hire movers and create a timetable for moving into your new home if needed. And revisit your budget. ...
Whether you choose to put more (or less) down on your home, you’ll still need a significant amount of money to get to the closing table. It may seem impossible to save so much in a short period of time, but it can be doable with a plan. 1. Assess Your Current Financial Situation...