E*TRADE has more choices for you when placing a trade than just the below options. Here we show you some of the more common selections. Select a Price Type: Market: Choose this type to buy or sell a security such as a stock that will be executed immediately at the best price currently...
Agree to Terms and Conditions:Read and agree to the terms and conditions set forth by E-Trade. Fund Your Account:Once your account application is approved, you will need to fund your E-Trade account. E-Trade offers various funding options, including bank transfers, wire transfers, and electro...
Once you're set up within E-Trade and you have E-Trade cash available for investment, buying stock is fairly straightforward. Find the ticker symbol of the stock you want to buy – this is a set of letters that designates the company whose stock you'll be purchasing. Buying and Selling ...
Although I’m used to the feeling of buying low, then buying lower, then hating yourself and buying even lower, I started falling into the same trap I fell into in 2007 – I stopped buying enough because I thought I knew that the markets were going to go lower. I had the cash, stoc...
Artificial intelligence is arguably the most useful feature for traders, particularly for those who don’t trade for a living. The Trade Ideas AI system, “Holly AI,” is designed to scan through a comprehensive list of stocks, using pre-set trading strategies to conduct real trades on the ...
Take a look at the screen shot to the right that is from my Etrade account. This shows that Microsoft (MSFT) is at $25.81 and that the April options expire on April 16, 2011 and that the strike prices for the call option and put options range from at least $23 to $28 and are ...
Thingstoremember CompanyLogo Generalsteps www.themegallery.com investmentstrategy openanaccount Sendaninitial deposit pickaninvestmentstrategythatfitsyourlifestyle,personality,andrisktolerancelevel openanaccountwithanonlinebrokeragecompany.ThefivemajoronlinebrokeragefirmsareSchwab,TDAmeritrade,Etrade,FidelityandScottrade...