startActivity(newIntent(this,FlutterActivity.class)); it does open my flutter activity but with the initialRoute: '/' which is fine but some time i want to open for eg( '/dashboard') routes when i open a flutter activity how can i do it ??
Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond - How to persist the state of only some routes · flutter/flutter@aa179bd
Now, hereAppRoutes.Messageis my route name. You may use any string. IfGet.currentRoutecontains a certain route then the above statement would return true. GetX Pass Data Back to Previous Screen Here we will see how to pass data back to previous screen using GetX. GetX provides easy to pa...
Within the simulator itself I only have the predefined routes or a custom static location with no option for a moving location.How can I simulate a custom moving location?If it isn't possible is there anyway to simulate the location for a Mac app as I can build the Flutter app for Mac ...
19 Jan How to Build Headless Real Estate Apps with Flutter? As APIs become more instrumental in real estate technology, headless architecture is increasingly taking over the market. Traditionally, you are limited to a particular CMS and any addons or plugins compatible with them. A headless......
Finally, we can go to the router file where we'll create routes and redirect logic. So, on app_router.dart file.Create an AppRouter class.import 'package:go_router/go_router.dart'; import 'package:temple/screens/home/home.dart'; import 'utils/router_utils.dart'; class AppRouter { get...
Step 2: You need to register yourWebsitecontroller. Inside yourroutesfile located atSources/App, open theroutesfolder and you should see the following code: app.get { reqinreturn"It works!"} Replace the code with the following: importVapor ...
A classic example is Firebase initialization, which is prone to configuration errors if not set up correctly: Future<void> main() async { WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); // * Initialize Firebase await Firebase.initializeApp(options: DefaultFirebaseOptions.currentPlatform); // * Entry point...
You can set a product's route in this field according to the Odoo database module you installed. It can be bought, made, supplied on demand, etc., depending on your choice. This is how we define product movement routes in Odoo Inventory. ...
3. Flutter Flutteris a framework made by Google. It uses Dart, which allows for faster compilation speed. Flutter boasts native-like performance, widget-based logic, and ease of development. Programmers can adapt Flutter apps to all platforms, from iOS and Android to web, macOS, Linux, and ...