How to Switch the Node Version Using NVM? The node versions can be switched by first installing the target “nvm” version via the “nvm install” cmdlet and then switching to it with the help of the “nvm use” command. Example 1: Switching to the Node “18.16.0” Version To switch ...
Since this article was originally written, Node version 20 has been released to the LTS branch. So, let’s set up NVM, but configure it to work with versions 12, 16, and 20 of NodeJS. Installing NVM Before NVM installation, having a Node version on your machine isn’t necessary, and ...
A step-by-step illustrated guide on how to set your default Node.js version using NVM in multiple ways.
How to Use Multiple Node.js Versions using NVM . Learn how to install and use specific version of Node.js using Node Version Manager
NVM: What's the point? 🤨 Node Version Manager (NVM)is a tool that allows you to have multiple versions of Node.js on your device, switch them quickly, and it is managed from the command line interface (CLI). Why is this needed?The fact is that different applications you...
nvm run 17.5.0 app.js To run the application with PATH pointing to a certain version run: nvm exec 17.5.0 node app.js Surely changing versions comes in handy but to keep the default version without the need to switch versions every time and check what version you are currently on, you...
Step 3: Installing the Latest Node Version Using NVM Execute the following command to install the most recent version of Node.js: nvm install node Additionally, if you wish to install a specific version, you can choose from the available Node versions. Use the following commands: ...
updating Node.js updating npm: $ sudo npm install -g npm2.15.9 updated to 3.10.7 reference link:
Using NVM to Run Node Creating NVM Aliases Install NVM These instructions cover how to install NVM. While these are generally valid for most Linux distributions, some of the.bashrcdirectives might vary slightly on different shells. You can install and use NVM regardless of whether you have alread...