Similar to default homepage and default search engine, the new tab page is set to Bing homepage by default (which is basically what Microsoft would always do in all its product since Bing is a part of it). This short tutorial will show you how to set the new tab page to Google in Mi...
Before we get into details, let’s make things clear. By default, Google’s Chrome New Tab Page includes a Google logo, a search bar, and thumbnails of your most visited websites. You get here by opening a New Tab. This is NOT your Homepage (the one you’re redirected to when you ...
By default, the New Tab page in Chrome is Google Search and shortcuts to your most visited websites. To change the New Tab page, follow the steps below. By default, the New Tab page in Chrome is Google Search and shortcuts to your most visited websites. If you don’t like the defa...
Google Chromebrowser shows a‘Not Secure’label in the address bar of websites not using HTTPS. In addition, the browser has added the capability tocustomize the background of a New Tab pagewithout using any browser extension or add-on. Let’s see how it’s done!
For most people the default New Tab Page in Chrome works perfectly well for their purposes. But if you would prefer to choose what opens in a new tab
1: Right-click the bookmark and select “Open in new tab“. The screenshot below shows how to open bookmarks in new tab if your bookmarks are on the Bookmarks bar in Chrome. To enable the bookmarks bar, pressCtrl+Shift+B(press the same keys again to hide it should you want to). ...
Here, the tip would be to cross-check Avg Energy Impact, which will let you know which application consumes the maximum energy on average. You may disable or delete them if you use them sparingly. 4. Disk While this tab may not be the most helpful for everyday usage, it demonstrates h...
How to Open URLs in Google Chrome from the macOS Terminal If you spend any amount of time working on the command line in macOS, you’ll realize it’ In these interests:BashChromeMacOS How to Set Up and Connect to Chromecast Got a new Chromecast? It’s time to get streaming! The setup...
Open Chrome, then select the “Menu”⁝icon located at the upper-right corner, then choose “Settings“. Select “Appearance” on the left pane. Ensure the “Show home button” option is turned “On“. Select “New tab page” or select the other option to set your own homepage. ...
In the “On startup” section, you will find the options to set the homepages in your Google Chrome web browser. Open the “New Tab” page:This option opens the default new tab page of Google Chrome when you run the Google Chrome app. ...