=nil{returnnil,err}kubeConfig:=&rest.Config{Host:aws.StringValue(result.Cluster.Endpoint),BearerToken:tok.Token,TLSClientConfig: rest.TLSClientConfig{CAData:ca, }, }clientSet,err:=kubernetes.NewForConfig(kubeConfig)iferr!=nil{returnnil,err}returnclientSet,nil}...
5. Finally, run the command below to update your kubectl config (update-kubeconfig) with your cluster endpoint, certificate, and credentials. aws eks update-kubeconfig --name dev --region us-east-1 Updating kubectl config Deploying an Application on EKS Cluster You’ve created your EKS cluster...
This repository contains an example of how to set up kubectl on Gitpod. Demo Click on the button below: Now, you can start creating the kubeconfig file according to your project requirements. Installed tools & services aws-iam-authenticator kubectl cert-manager kubectl cert-manager eksctl - The...
$ aws eks update-kubeconfig --name QuarkusEKSCluster --region <region> --role-arn arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:role/<role-name> Building and testing the application After we’ve set up the EKS cluster, we build the application. It’s not necessary to create an Amazon ECR repository becau...
Step 3:Now, we need to download the clusterkubeconfigto our location workstation. The following command generates thekubeconfigand adds it to the~/.kube/configfile. gcloud container clusters get-credentials demo-gke --region=us-central1
The kube-state-metrics down is expected and I’ll discuss it shortly. Step 5:You can head over to the homepage and select the metrics you need from the drop-down, and get the graph for the time range you mention. An example graph forcontainer_cpu_usage_seconds_totalis shown below. ...
I know that when I try out a new product if it’s hard to see what it does quickly I usually move on.
We have explored the process of containerizing the KitchenSink application using theMove2Kubetool and generating the required Kubernetes artifacts and YAML files for deployment in an Amazon EKS cluster. This streamlined approach allows developers to efficiently package and deploy their JBoss EAP applicati...
mkdir -p $HOME/.kube sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config Use the followingkubectlcommand to verify the cluster and nodes’ status: kubectl get nodes Here’s the expected output: ...
aws eks update-kubeconfig--namewebassembly-on-eks--region<UPDATE_REGION> After that, run the following commands to first create RuntimeClasses for both Spin and WasmEdge, and then an example workload that uses Spin as the runtime: kubectl apply-fkubernetes/runtimeclass.yaml ...