=nil{returnnil,err}kubeConfig:=&rest.Config{Host:aws.StringValue(result.Cluster.Endpoint),BearerToken:tok.Token,TLSClientConfig: rest.TLSClientConfig{CAData:ca, }, }clientSet,err:=kubernetes.NewForConfig(kubeConfig)iferr!=nil{returnnil,err}returnclientSet,nil}...
I have tried adding both specific relabel config, as well as general: -action:labelmapregex:__meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+) in almost every place I can think of in the Helm values for kube-prometheus-stack (basically any/all components withrelabelingsormetricRelabelings), but it does not...
Step 3:Now, we need to download the clusterkubeconfigto our location workstation. The following command generates thekubeconfigand adds it to the~/.kube/configfile. gcloud container clusters get-credentials demo-gke --region=us-central1 You can also get the connect command from the GKE GUI....
$aws eks update-kubeconfig --name QuarkusEKSCluster --region <region> --role-arn arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:role/<role-name> Building and testing the application After we’ve set up the EKS cluster, we build the application. It’s not necessary to create an Amazon ECR repository because...
The kube-state-metrics down is expected and I’ll discuss it shortly. Step 5:You can head over to the homepage and select the metrics you need from the drop-down, and get the graph for the time range you mention. An example graph forcontainer_cpu_usage_seconds_totalis shown below. ...
data) token = data.aws_eks_cluster_auth.cluster.token load_config_file = false } output "kubectl_config" { description = "kubectl config that can be used to authenticate with the cluster" value = module.eks.kubeconfig } We fetch some data from the Amazon EKS cluster configuration and ...
aws eks update-kubeconfig--namewebassembly-on-eks--region<UPDATE_REGION> After that, run the following commands to first create RuntimeClasses for both Spin and WasmEdge, and then an example workload that uses Spin as the runtime: kubectl apply-fkubernetes/runtimeclass.yaml ...
These prerequisites are necessary to containerize your JBoss EAP application usingMove2KubeUI tool and deploy it on Amazon EKS. Build your JBoss EAP Application For this example, we will use quickstart from the repository below. Clone this in your local machine, and create a zip file: ...
Now, you need to connect to an EKS cluster by generating a file which is known as a kubeconfig. By default, the kubeconfig files will be merged or written into your ~/.kube/config file, or if you have a $KUBECONFIG variable set, into the first file in that list (more on the $...
如果你已安装kubectl,你需要将kubeconfig文件放在kubectl可访问的位置。kubeconfig文件包含使用kubectl访问集群所需的凭证。 你在运行rke up时,RKE 应该已经创建了一个名为kube_config_cluster.yml的kubeconfig文件。该文件具有kubectl和helm的凭证。 备注 如果你的文件名不是rancher-cluster.yml,kubeconfig 文件将命名为...