Once you now know how to get into Incognito Mode, you may also need to know how to get out of Incognito Mode. It’s quite simple to turn off Incognito on a computer; simply close the private browsing window. Once the window is closed, the next window you open will be a standard bro...
To launch incognito mode using a keyboard shortcut, pressCtrl+Shift+Non Chrome OS, Linux, and Windows, or pressCmd+Shift+Non Mac OS X or macOS. You can also open a new incognito window with theFilemenu on a Macintosh. You've Gone Incognito: The Incognito Window A new window opens decla...
Brave: Go tochrome://extensionsand enable the switch “Allow in incognito“ Important note for Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Vivaldi, and Brave web browser users: If you want to open the Turn Off the Lights Options page to customize your web and video experience. Then it wi...
As long as you remember it, the Chrome shortcut is a faster way to open Incognito mode. Right beside the command in the options menu, you can see theIncognito window shortcut for Windows, which is Ctrl+Shift+N(you can also see keyboard shortcuts for other browser actions). Just hold t...
To enable Incognito Mode, you must go to the menu at the end of the Chrome search bar. Open “Settings” and select the action “New incognito window” in the drop-down menu. There is another way to open the Incognito window – with the help of hotkeys. At the same time, hold dow...
Double-clickInPrivateModeAvailabilityand set the value to1. SelectOK, close Registry Editor, and then reboot your computer. You've now turned off Edge's InPrivate option. How to Lock Incognito Mode in Chrome on Android Unlike desktop computers, there is no built-in way to turn off Chrome’...
When you double-click on the shortcut, Chrome will now launch in incognito mode. Chrome desktop shortcut – Properties Note You’ll need administrator rights to set up an incognito shortcut. Was this article helpful? vote upvote down Contents How to turn on incognito mode in Chrome ...
Can I set a default for Safari to always open in Incognito Mode on my iPhone? No, Safari on iPhone doesn’t currently offer a setting to default to Incognito Mode. Each new browsing session will start in regular mode, and you must manually switch to Incognito Mode if desired. Is there ...
Double-click this new key and set theValue Datato1. PressOKto confirm. Close the Registry Editor. If Chrome is already open, close it. When you open Chrome, you should find that the incognito mode option is grayed out and you can’t click it. The keyboard shortcutCtrl + Shift + Nwi...
While Incognito Mode can be invaluable to keep your browsing secure, what if you want to turn the feature off?