set https_proxy=http://somedomain\someuser:somepass@ set http_proxy=http://somedomain\someuser:somepass@ I then try and clone and get. $ git clone Cloning into JavaScript-Maven-Plugin... Pa...
How to git push/pull in such cases? How to tell git to use proxy when at company and not to use proxy when at home? This seems different than How to temporarily disable git http proxy, because in my case, I am accessing remote repo in both cases and not a local repo as in that ...
var HttpsProxyAgent = require('https-proxy-agent'); if (process.env['https_proxy']) { httpsProxyAgent = new HttpsProxyAgent(process.env['https_proxy']); } Finally, set the httpsProxyAgent to the request options right before _executeRequest gets called like this: options.agent = httpsProx...
Aproxy serveracts as an internet access intermediary. Businesses implement proxies to secure network traffic and add an additionalnetwork securitylayer. Additionally, individuals use them to bypass network restrictions and improve online privacy. In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up Ubuntu t...
In my case i was able to install packages using the following on Windows 10 using git-bash as my shell of choice. export HTTPS_PROXY=<company-proxy-here> uv add --allow-insecure-host --allow-insecure-host <package_name> Suggested Permanent Solution IMO a ...
The global git config email and username properties are often set in the following way:git config --global cameronmcnz git config --global global-config@example.comTo be more expressive, you can include the –add switch when you set a global git config property...
git config --global http.proxy git config --global https.proxy changeproxyuserto your proxy user changeproxypwdto your proxy password changeproxy.server.comto the URL of your proxy server ...
We’ll set up GitLab to use a MySQL backend. The first step is to install MySQL with the below command. During the install process it will ask you to set a MySQL root password. Set it to whatever you like, but note it down as you will need it for the next steps. ...
We can set up a socks proxy on top of a SSH tunnel. Besides the common proxy functions, such as web browsing, the proxy on top of SSH tunnel also ensures thesecuritybetween thebrowserand the proxy server (the SSH server). In this post, we introduce and explain how to set up a proxy...
Log in to your GitLab instance and clickNew project. From theCreate new projectscreen, selectCreate blank project. Give it a properProject name. Optionally add aProject deployment target. Make sure to set theVisibility LeveltoPrivateorPublicdepending on your requirements. ...