If you are a beginner in flutter, please check my blog Create your first app in Flutter. I have created app named as “flutter_app_icon” Step 2 I found one plugin to set app icon in flutter named “flutter_launcher_icons”. We'll use this plugin to set the app icon in flutter. ...
With Flutter SDK,flutter_drivercomes pre installed in the package. This can be used to write the tests for Flutter application. However, the major problem is that the test engineer should knowDartprogramming language in order to write tests usingflutter_driver. As usingflutter_driveris tedious an...
is an Open Source framework created by Google that focuses on the creation of cross-platform applications. Flutter primarily targets iOS and Android, but is increasingly adding support for desktop platforms, too. Note:Flutter apps are built using the Dart programming language. If you’re new to ...
myapp\ios\Flutter\AppFrameworkInfo.plist (created) myapp\ios\Flutter\Debug.xcconfig (created) myapp\ios\Flutter\Release.xcconfig (created) myapp\ios\Runner\Assets.xcassets\AppIcon.appiconset\Contents.json (created) myapp\ios\Runner\Assets.xcassets\AppIcon.appiconset\Icon-App-1024x1024@1x.png (c...
In this example, we are going to show the way to disable and enable programmatically buttons like Elevated, Outline, IconButton in Flutter Apps. See the example below to disable enable buttons in Flutter. How to Disable Buttons in Flutter: You need to pass null to onPressed parameter of ...
From thepreviouspost, I have shared how to setup your web server to implement RESTful api using Aqueduct with Postgresql. In this post, we are going to start building our flutter app to interact with our web application. How to set up Flutter project ...
To display an image as an icon in Flutter, you can use the ImageIcon widget. Here’s an example: ImageIcon( AssetImage('assets/images/my_icon.png'), size: 48, // set the size of the icon color: Colors.red, // set the color of the icon ), Which image is used in Flutter? Fl...
Rakesh Ostwal Mobile App Development Tags: iOS React Native Flutter Test Flight App Store Connect XCodeIn this article, we will discuss how to set up the Apple developer account, build an app (create IPA files), configure TestFlight, and deploy it to TestFlight for the very first ti...
If you would like to launchAndroid Studiowithout going through the terminal next time, create a desktop icon fromTools–>Create Desktop Entry. Create Android Studio Desktop Shortcut Install Flutter in Ubuntu To install Flutter in Ubuntu, you need to first install a few tools and libraries require...
A Flutter tab bar is added at the bottom of the app for switching the web view and other native views.How to hide the HTML elements in JavaScript?Enable the Debugging option in the web view. if (_controller.platform is AndroidWebViewController) { AndroidWebViewController.enableDebugging(...