After you delete a registry key, and then you restart the program, Word runs the Setup program to correctly rebuild the registry key. If you want to rebuild the registry key before you run the program, repair your installation by following the steps in the "Repair Wo...
Highlight, etc.) to always give me the checkmark option. Currently every time I open my document, I have to do: E-sign, then click on the checkmark, then click the X to close E-sign. Can't I set this as a preference somewhere to always show the checkmark in the editing...
Word 2013 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Word\Options Word 2010 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Word\Options This key stores the options that you can set from Microsoft Word. The options are in two groups: default options and optional settings. Default options ar...
This article describes how to customize AutoCAD 2020 and later to restore the classic functionality of the Insert button, menu, and command as it was in AutoCAD 2019 and earlier. Do the following the change the Insert button on the ribbon and add a Block
If restoring the Word Data registry subkey doesn’t work, go to the next procedure. Method 4: Delete the Word Options registry key The Word Options registry key stores options that you can set in Word. These settings are divided into default and optiona...
Switch to theExitsection and selectLoad Setup Defaults. ClickYesto confirm and select Yes in theExit Saving Changespopup to complete it. 4. Does BIOS Reset remove Windows? A BIOS Reset will remove the data and loads the system defaults on your PC. This has nothing to do with the Windows...
How to print single sided on mac word? If you want to knowhow to print single sided on mac word 2013and to change the duplex printing options on your Mac, you will need to follow these steps: 1. In the Print dialog, you must select the third dropdown menu and change Copies & Pages...
This article describes how to set up or configure the classic workspace in current releases of AutoCAD. The classic workspace has not been included as a default workspace since the release of AutoCAD 2015. Note: This does not apply to AutoCAD for Mac, wh
CTRL+END always goes to the lower-right corner of the used range. If this not where your data ends then delete the extra row/columns and save the workbook. Alternatively, you can use VBA to achieve the desired behavior of returning to the last row written after cleaning ...
{ maxFontSize = MAX_FONT_SIZE_DEFAULT_VALUE; } mTestPaint = new Paint(); mTestPaint.set(this.getPaint()); //max size defaults to the initially specified text size unless it is too small } /* Re size the font so the specified text fits in the text box * assuming the text box ...