if so, that application needs to set to either wildcard allow everything localhost * or Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://localhost:3031 in the header. This has nothing to do with your request but with the response from the host to allow your request. If you do not have control of t...
Express.jsis one of the most popular node.js frameworks for serving websites or building APIs. This article is about how to enable Cross Origin Resource Sharing, also known as CORS. For that we need to set the correct headers in the response, which allow a browser to make use of the d...
1 How to manage and send httpOnly stored jwt cookies within React and Axios 0 Node.js Axios post request to API with cookie 7 Set-Cookie not working properly in axios call 1 Axios withCredentials customize which http cookie to send 1 I can't get my httpOnly cookie from my post req...
Your request isn't "simple" since you're using a custom header x-dsi-restful and content-type is set to application/json, so the request is going to receive CORS treatment, including the pre-flight OPTIONS request. As well, double-check if you're also setting an authorization header elsew...
const fileURL = 'http://localhost:3000/example-file.pdf'; axiosDownloadFile(fileURL, 'my-file.pdf'); The code for this article is available on GitHub Note that the HTTP request has to be made to the same origin (domain) or you have to have CORS configured. If you get a TypeError...
To intimate the browser to cache the preflight response information in the cache for a specified second. Omit this if you don’t want to cache the response. app.use(cors({origin:['https://app.geekflare.com','https://lab.geekflare.com'],methods:['GET','PUT','POST'],allowedHeaders:[...
A POST request is used to create a new resource. Axios offers the axios.post() method to make an HTTP post request:const axios = require('axios') const createUser = async () => { try { const res = await axios.post('https://reqres.in/api/users', { name: 'Atta', job: '...
Can I create a predicate based on the properties of child class objects? I have two classes: Activity and Action. Activity is the parent class, Action are the child, this is a one to many relationship. In setting up a NSFetchedResultsController I would like to set a predic......
Is it possible to configure Axios (running in node.js) to ignore specific SSL errors (like expired certificates)? I'd like to know that the SSL certificate has a problem, but I want the transaction to complete anyway (by default, it fails). ...
Figured out that it isn’t an issue with DO’ Spaces CORS config, but actually related to axios (in my case I was using axios in a VueJS app). In my case: I was generating a pre-signed PUT URL. Then, on the actual PUT request, my axios instance sent the common default headers ...