To fit the map we use mapbox.fitBounds() and to set we do mapbox.setMaxBounds(), which avoid panning. This work's perfectly well on first load. But on Window resize map get cropped and take the bounds reference from initially set maxbounds. I am trying to fit th...
I'm using echarts-leaflet extension in my project. I want to set bounds and making map bounce back if moved away. I can get _map through this.echart.getModel().getComponent('leaflet').__map, but how can I get L and how to setMaxBounds() ? What does the proposed API look like?
(Once you deal with this in an advanced way, be careful too because the mesh's bounds are confusingly AABB bounds in Unity-local space i.e. in the parent's space - use renderer.bounds for scene-space - don't worry about this until you get in to it :) There are different "bounds...
Our documentation comments define the official Java Platform API Specification. To this end, our target audience is those who write Java compatibility tests, or conform or re-implement the Java platform, in addition to developers. We spend time and effort focused on specifying boundary conditions, ...
To this end, our target audience is those who write Java compatibility tests, or conform or re-implement the Java platform, in addition to developers. We spend time and effort focused on specifying boundary conditions, argument ranges and corner cases rather than defining common programming terms,...
Solved: textLayer.bounds returns the bounding box area of text which is based on current text. Instead of current text's bounding box area how to get the size - 10635767
the key is to always check the bounds of the array before attempting to access any elements. For more information on common Java errors, see our posts about ClassNotFoundExcetion, What causes a NoSuchMethodError in Java and how to avoid it, and java.lang.OutofMemoryException. Want to learn...
setTitle("Image Viewer"); run(); }private void run() { setSize(screenWidth - 100, screenHeight - 100); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); } We have used Java.awt.ToolKit class to get the width and height of the screen. These will be used to set the frame size as we...
The following code, taken, lays out the GUI. This code is in the constructor for the dialog, which is implemented as aJDialogsubclass. The bold lines of code set up the box layouts and add components to them.
In Java we have already defined exception classes such as ArithmeticException, NullPointerException, ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception etc. These exceptions are set to trigger on different-2 conditions. For example when we divide a number by zero, this triggers ArithmeticException, when we try to ac...