InSpring MVC framework, to declare a bean, simply annotate a method with the@Beanannotation. WhenJavaConfigencounters such a method, it will execute that method and register the return value as a bean within aBeanFactory. By default, the bean name will be that of the method name This exampl...
I'm trying to figure out the best way to define Remote EJB 3 beans in Spring 4.x using JavaConfig (annotation-based configuration). I've looked at the Spring Docs for <jee:remote-slsb> and have hacked together a functional configuration, but it is terrible: @Bean public...
Requirement: There is a software product that can be sold to different customers, but the provider wants to keep the sensible data of the customer in separate data sources. Every customer/login has only access to exactly one data source. In a, let’s say, ‘simple’ Spring setup, one wou...
I've pushed an update to your sample to demonstrate a cleaner arrangement (regardless of AOT):DanielThomas/spring-aot-issues#1 The keys are: ThebeanClassshould be theFactoryBeanclass so that the container knows it's not any other bean but something that produces a bean The resolvable type sh...
In the bean declaration in the applicationContext.xml, I gave the init-method as "initialize". So when the app starts it makes the database calls and get the data. I just want to how to store it in application scope. Also, how to access such an object (in application scope) in a...
If you are using Spring boot and have the “Spring-boot-starter-web” dependency, then you will transitively also pick up the required dependencies to enable bean validation. In this case, you do not need to take further actions to enable bean validation in your project. ...
See a simple Java class, which contains two properties –nameandtype. Later you will use Spring to inject value into the bean properties. packagecom.mkyong.common;publicclassFileNameGenerator{privateString name;privateStringtype;publicStringgetName(){returnname;}publicvoidsetName(String name){this....
首先你需要做的是去掉servlet API依赖,如果不能这样做(比如,基于相同的代码运行两个应用),那你可以明确地调用SpringApplication.setWebEnvironment(false)或设置applicationContextClass属性(通过Java API或使用外部配置)。你想运行的,作为业务逻辑的应用代码可以实现为一个CommandLineRunner,并将上下文降级为一个@Bean定义...
* Returns the Spring managed bean instance of the given class type if it exists. * Returns null otherwise. * @param beanClass * @return */publicstatic<TextendsObject>TgetBean(Class<T>beanClass){returncontext.getBean(beanClass);}@OverridepublicvoidsetApplicationContext(ApplicationContextcontext)thr...
Code snippet from Spring's source code: private void invokeAwareInterfaces(Object bean) { ... ... if (bean instanceof ApplicationContextAware) { ((ApplicationContextAware)bean).setApplicationContext(this.applicationContext); } } Once you get the reference to Application context, you get fetch...