Tab coloringcan set custom connection colors for individual instances of SQL Server, down to the database level. SQL servers and databases can be assigned to a specific environment to help quickly identify which connection a tab is currently using. Tab coloring To associate a query color with a...
Good morning. I'm an IT contractor with M365 admin access at all of my clients who use it. I started using the new MS Teams because I am able to log into multiple accounts at once, but when I switch between clients they each default to different tabs. One defaults to chat,...
To position groups on a built-in tab In the Ribbon Designer, select a custom group. In thePropertieswindow, expand thePositionproperty. Set thePositionTypeproperty to the appropriate value: BeforeOfficeIdpositions the group before a specified built-in group. ...
How to Edit a Custom Shortcut on the New Tab Page in Chrome You can edit custom shortcuts after creating them. For example, maybe you want to change the URL of your Amazon shortcut to a specific location on Amazon? To edit a custom shortcut: Open a new tab, hover over the shortcut...
tab, tapBrowse items from the Files app. Recordbuttons) to set the starting point for your audio clip. Be aware the final audio clip you use for a ringtone will have to be less than 30 seconds long. Delete. Share SelectRingtone, thenContinue. ...
Under “Taskbar”, set the “Primary taskbar location on screen” to “Top”. Finally, click on “Restart File Explorer” at the bottom-left corner. It will move theTaskbar to the topin a few seconds. I will suggest changing the“Start menu style” to“Windows 10“ and moving the positi...
How to set a custom ringtone on your iPhone Many iOS users don't bother to change the default ringtone on their devices. After all, the default tone has been the same for a long time now, and it has become somewhat iconic and part of the iPhone's identity. Though, what if you've...
As shown in How to: Use VBA to Add a Custom Command to the Ribbon, you can find a valid value for the OfficeImageId property by temporarily modifying the ribbon in the Project Options dialog box: In Project 2010, click the Customize Ribbon tab of the Project Options dialog box. Add a...
Microsoft Edge allows you to select from a wide range ofstatic and dynamic backgroundsfor free, on top of this you can also upload a custom image, or turn off the background. Here’s how to do it: Click theGear iconin the top right corner of the New Tab Page. ...
If your drawings often use a standard background or set of layers, such as your company logo, create a template with the background or layers in place. To create a template from a drawing file or an existing template, follow these steps: ...