However, if you have cheap jeans or know you won’t be letting the hem out later, AND you’re sure the hem is where it needs to be, snip the extra fabric off. Leave approximately 1/8-1/4″ so you can either zigzag or serge it to prevent fraying. Step 4: Zigzag or serge the ...
Jersey will not unravel, so you do not need to do anything to finish inside seams except cut them even. However, if you have a serger it does add nice polish to your item to serge the seams, before or after you construct the piece (I usually do it before, but that’s just personal...
Jersey will not unravel, so you do not need to do anything to finish inside seams except cut them even. However, if you have a serger it does add nice polish to your item to serge the seams, before or after you construct the piece (I usually do it before, but that’s just personal...
Soak a washcloth in full strength liquid fabric softener. Wring out excess, then lay out to dry first before using–helps prevent staining garments the first time. When ready: toss in the dryer and use again and again until it no longer works. Resoak when needed (you should be able to ...
11. The last step would be to serge or zigzag the raw edges together to finish the seam and prevent it from fraying. 12. Gently press the seam open and you are all done! Now you know how to sew and attach simple ruffles. Soon, you will be adding them to everything!
I just used my serger to do a rolled hem, which is my favorite way to hem a circle skirt. You could also serge the raw edge, fold it over a ¼ inch using the serged edge as a guide, and then straight stitch on the sewing machine, or just fold the raw edge over twice and ...
Place the sides of the pants wrong sides together; pin then sew the sides. Then serge the seams. Serge the bottom edges of the pant legs. Then turn under the desired amount (e.g. 1.25” inches) and press. Use a blind hem stitch or regular hem (or sew by hand if desired) to trac...
“Only certain rules apply to certain people and when you are away and someone is supposed to cover your duties doesn’t, you return to work with everything piled on your desk. But when the person that was supposed to cover your position is away you have to go do that job before your...
Das Wearable ist spritzwassergeschützt und wasserfest. Das Gerät ist schweiß- und spritzwasserbeständig und kann daher beim Sport und an regnerischen Tagen getragen werden. Das Wearable-Gerät sollte in den folgenden Szenarien nicht getragen werden: 1. Ins Wasser fallen lassen, beim...
I like to baste these pieces in place so they won’t slip away from me when I go to serge the hood onto the neckline, and also to check and make sure that it’s all centered and even. Step 4: Serge (or sew using a stretch stitch) the hood to the neckline of your shirt. ...