Escape from Tarkov, also known as EFT, is a hardcore first-person shooter that features elements of RPG games (levels and passive skills) and an incredibly complex looting system. In this game your main goal is going to be gearing up your PMC, loading into a raid— killing other PMCs/Sca...
How to Complete Lend Lease in Escape From Tarkov While some of the early collection tasks, likePostman Pat, have you going to a map and getting a single item. Lend Lease will send you to both Shoreline and Woods to pick up a few electronic components that have been lent out to various ...
Head to: Register/Login to your account. Under the “Profile” tab select “Activate Promo Code” Enter your unique code that’s displayed on the ‘Orders’ page of and follow the prompts to activate. Once the code is activated you will be pr...