Among many other features End User Messaging has the ability to send over multiple channels, including: SMS, Email, Push/In-App, Voice, Over the Top (OTT) services such as WhatsApp, as well as interact with third-party APIs giving you the flexibility to send to many other channe...
It’s important to note that you do not need to send all of your messages using one or the other. As an example you can use SMS for One Time Password (OTP) sends since they do not require media and generally should be a single message part in any language and use MMS to enabl...
Step 2: Create an SNS topic and subscribe an email address You will now create an SNS topic that will send subscribers a copy of every message published to the topic. Subscribers can use different protocols: HTTPS, Mail, SQS, SMS (to US-based numbers only)...
AWS Config uses the Amazon SNS topic that you specify to send you notifications. The type of notification that you are receiving is indicated by the value for the messageType key in the message body, as in the following example: "messageType": "ConfigurationHistoryDeliveryCompleted" The notifica...
How does AWS SNS work? As mentioned earlier, AWS SNS uses the Publisher-Subscriber model to send messages to its endpoints. Using Amazon SNS, you can filter the messages to a larger number of subscribers or end points through mobile messages, SMS, and email. ...
attachment for the lifetime of a flow of traffic between source and destination. It also allows the transit gateway to send traffic to any Availability Zone in the VPC, as long as there is a subnet association in that zone. For more information, seeExample: Appliance in a shared services ...
“Each Amazon Marketing Cloud account is scoped per advertiser, and uses AWS for storage. All results from AMC are aggregates that need to exceed minimum thresholds that typically require over 100 unique users. Advertisers cannot access Amazon’s Advertising event-level data, so aggregating over ...
Here is what I am trying to do. I have 2 AWS Accounts A and B. Using AWS SDK for Go v2 I want to use a CLI profile with credentials for Acct A and assume a role in Account B that requires MFA. I have read through the package docs for config and stscredshttps://...
Also Check:AWS Cloud Certification. Benefits of AWS Command Line Interface One of the most obvious benefits of AWS CLI is the potential to save a significant amount of time. The savings come from easy installations, support of all services from one tool, going beyond GUIs, and using shell sc...
NOTE: SNS is a topic based service provided by AWS to send notifications. Notifications can be sent by email, SMS, iOS/Android push notification and many other formats. From monitoring to notifying, CloudWatch attempts to automate monitoring needs in a few clicks. There are tons of metrics pre...