Here, select the conversation you wish to send HD photos in. Next, tap the photos app icon in the bottom menu bar. Select the photos you want to send, then tap the HD icon in the upper-right corner of the overlay card. Once done, tap the Send button. Instagram will show all your...
Instagram now offers a similar feature. Users can now send temporary images to their friends and followers that vanish after being viewed. As this article guides you on how to send disappearing photos on Instagram, get ready to spark curiosity among your friends and send them some. Table of C...
Have you ever sent a photo to someone on a whim, and then wished that you never sent that photo? Instagram feels your pain. With the new Instagram update, you can send private photos to friends, and then delete those photos if you decide that the picture you sent wasn't really a good...
If you're wondering how to share a photo from Instagram, tap the "Share" icon on a post and you'll see options to share it to other social media platforms, your Instagram story or send it as a DM. Keep up with the latest in 360 photos and video by following Insta360 onInstagram,Fa...
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Here, I’ll share expert tips, hidden tricks, and must-know settings to use Instagram on your iPhone like a pro. Good luck! 1. Send HD photos in Instagram DM Instagram now allows you to send high-quality (HD) photos in Direct Messages (DMs). So, you can easily share crisp, clear ...
Did you know that there is more than one way to post photos on Instagram? Here we will tell you the key on how to upload photos to Instagram in the app, on Instagram Web and from Metricool. This way you will always have a hand on managing your content. ...
How to Send Direct Messages to Select Followers Using Instagram Direct messages first rolled out in late 2013, but it got an overhaul this year that combined disappearing photos and videos with the text-based inbox. When you use it, it feels very much the same as the iOS messages app or ...
What to Do If Someone Reposts Photos on Instagram From Your Account? In the same way that you will see other people’s images that you would like to regram, your own photos will likely be reposted without your permission at some stage. If you are uncomfortable with that person’s use of...
Instagram The drudgery of uploading one photo at a time toInstagramhas ended! Now you can add up to 10 photos and videos at once. Don't worry about overwhelming your followers with a slew of photos, though. It's kind of like aStory. A bulk upload is consolidated into one post. The ...