Learn how to easily send voice messages on your Apple devices with step-by-step instructions for iPhone, iPad, and Mac users. We all send text messages and make phone calls to communicate. But what if you want to share something with a friend, family member, or even a coworker in spoke...
Part 1: How to Send Voice Message on iPhone in Message How to record voice messages on iPhone is a concern of many iPhone users. The fastest and easiest way to send iPhone voice messages is from the Messages app. For knowing how to send voice message iPhone, do the steps below. Open ...
, but keep in mind that there isn’t a redo button. once you are done, tap done . send the message the same way you would any text message, by tapping the send button . now you know how to draw in imessages to make your text even more special! this is one of my favorite ...
Typing out text messages to people is one of the simplest functions of youriPhone. However, there are times where you need to send a message but can't easily type on your keyboard — whether you're out grocery shopping, cooking, doing dishes, etc. Recommended Videos Difficulty Easy Duration...
Jul 8, 2023 9:11 AM in response to VeronicaAssis Hello VeronicaAssis! To un-send a sent message, there are a few requirements. You learn about these requirements, and how to un-send messages here: Use Messages on your iPhone or iPad - Apple Support I hope this is helpful. Good Luck...
How to send and receive messages on iphone Cannot send or receive message on new iphone 3 years ago 276 1 how to send messages on iPad Air 5th gen? how to send message to none apple device? 1 year ago 265 1 1 reply Sort By: Rank Page...
Step 4: Type the email address into the field at the top of the screen, then touchSendabove the keyboard. Related:How to Find Old Messages on iPhone Without Scrolling How to Copy the Text Message and Paste it Into an Email In this section, we are simply going to copy from thetext me...
Keep your private text conversations secure on your iPhone. Learn these easy methods to hide or archive text messages without deleting them, including using invisible ink, password protection, third-party apps, and more.
Step 1. Make sure that your iPhone and iPad are signed in to iCloud with the same Apple ID > On Your iPhone: Go to Settings > Tap Messages > Turn on iMessage option. Step 2. Tap Send & Receive option, Make sure that it’s the Apple ID used on your iPhone/iPad for iMessage. ...
Everyone has had that moment of clicking on the send button for a message they instantly regret. Maybe it is a quick bit of incorrect info for a work project with a partner or sending an intimate text to someone other than the intended target. Either way, being able to unsend iMessages ...