本文介绍如何使用媒体服务设置 Microsoft Teams,以将 Teams 会议流式传输给外部受众。 先决条件 重要 默认情况下,所有 Microsoft Teams 租户中已禁用 RTMP 输出功能。 MS Teams 租户管理员必须全局启用此功能,或者为选定的一组用户启用此功能。 请参阅流式传输 Teams 会议。 如果未你为启用此功能,请联系 Teams 管理...
无需在 Teams 个人使用和Teams(工作或学校)之间切换。 如果你在 Teams 上加入会议供个人使用,你将使用个人 Teams 帐户加入会议。 Microsoft隐私声明管理使用个人 Teams 帐户的会议数据。 注意: 某些会议功能可能不适用于 Teams 个人帐户。 详细了解 Microsoft Teams (免费) 参与者的会议体验。 如果你是管理员......
How to send an email to a private Teams group from Outlook from inside/ouside of the group Hello, I would like to give the possibility to anyone to send an email to all members of a Teams group (expand email to each member). From a member or from anybody who ...
在用户选择“发送”后,你将收到带有 value.botMessagePreviewAction = send 的composeExtensions/submitAction 调用。 Web 服务必须使用自适应卡片创建消息并将其发送到对话,并回复调用。C#/.NET JavaScript/Node.js JSON C# 复制 protected override async Task<MessagingExtensio...
Now, you can send an email straight to a channel in Teams without the need to forward the email to everyone in your workgroup. In the Microsoft Teams channel that you want to send the email to, click on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner and select the “Get email address...
To add Microsoft Teams chat link to an email signature, do the following: Take the URL below and replace the<user1>placeholder with the email address you use in Teams: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/chat/0/0?users=<user1> So, if your email address is, for example,obinna@thewindowsclub...
Send your first message to create the one-to-one SMS chat. The participant you’re sending the SMS to will receive an SMS from Microsoft Teams. This will indicate to them that you want to chat. If they want to accept, they can click the link in the SMS to join Teams via the app...
Even if this isn’t a feature to take advantage of right away, there are other things that you can do as a Microsoft Teams user. How to merge calls in Microsoft Teams? While you’re on a call with another person, you may need to ask someone else a relevant question, so connect to...
{ "type": "Action.OpenUrl", "title": "Handoff to Bot", "url": "https://teams.microsoft.com/l/chat/0/0?users=28:${botId}&continuation=${continuationToken}" } 属性Action.OpenUrl 允许用户将对话移交给机器人。 当用户选择操作按钮时,将激活深层链接,并打开与机器人的新聊天窗口。 机器人接...
In this post, we will walk through the steps to configure the Microsoft Teams PTT functionality for Intune-managed Samsung XCover Pro devices in Microsoft Endpoint Manager. Set up device management in Intune First, we need to and set up a device group for Sams...