Using Clio Payments, clients can securely access their funds directly from their bank account, through Clio’s integration with Plaid—a trusted service used to securely authenticate bank account information—and transfer those funds to make an instant payment towards a bill, a payment plan, or a ...
While a strong work ethic is admirable, it’s not always in your (or your firm’s) best interest when it comes to growth—especially if you’re too busy to respond to potential clients or too busy to market your services. Chances are, you’re doing work that doesn’treallyneed to be...
In order to help the users, get rid of this error, we have come up with this article. At the end of this article, we expect that the readers might be able to deal with the error permanently and also explore the causes and other facts related to the error. A quick solution to this ...
No movie poster credits because it’s a “teaser” Flyposting Another movie poster type or tactic is flyposting (a.k.a. bill posting), a guerrilla marketing tactic where advertising posters are put up around a city. You see this most commonly along construction sites or the sides of ...
In a digital-first world, more than a law degree and a stellar track record are no longer enough to attract clients. The legal industry is highly competitive, and thousands of attorneys seek offline and online attention. So, how do you stand out if you constantly struggle to attract...
Rather than attorneys haphazardly trying to account for every billable minute in a month (a process that’s slow, cumbersome, and fraught with errors), lawyers can instead useautomatic time-tracking tools, like Clio. This allows lawyers to instantly identify how long they spend working for each...
1. Learn to delegate While a strong work ethic is admirable, it’s not always in your (or your firm’s) best interest when it comes to growth—especially if you’re too busy to respond to potential clients or too busy to market your services. Chances are, you’re doing work that doe...