how to make worm teaVerger, RobPopular science (New York, N.Y.)
Place cutworm collars around young plants early in the season. Planting marigolds near Brussels sprouts will repel many flying pest insects. Brussels sprouts diseases Brussels sprouts are susceptible to yellows, clubroot, and downy mildew. Cabbage yellows are a fungal disease; lower leaves turn dull...
They were able to identify its potential for boat building since they saw that it is resistant to those perennial problems of the boat builder, the marine borer, and screw-worm. Then, it turned out that the timber of Huon Pine was the best boat building timber in the world and because o...
Farmers use most of that water for growing the tea plant. Here are some other examples: To get a kilogram of chocolate, farmers use 24,000 liters of water. To get a kilogram of beef, farmers use about 14,000 liters of water. To get a kilogram of rice, farmers use 3,400 liters ...
It's better to get your worms online from a reputable worm farm. The advantage to this is that they sell worms by the pound -- and knowing how much your worms weigh is vitally important to your compost. You should be able to get the worms for about $20 per pound plus shipping. ...
Water is important, but be careful not to over-water. If plants begin to yellow, it is usually a sign of over-watering. Once established in a few weeks, sweet potatoes can benefit greatly from a few applications of liquid fertilizer. Compost tea, worm casting tea, or a high quality orga...
Are the tea bags safe to not catch on fire? And are these beans gona smell so bad that it is unbearable. Im gon use them either way just wondering. Thanks jamela Reply just be careful with the tea bags with metal staples! you don’t want to microwave those! :0) diane Reply ...
Multiple Sources of IncomeWhen you try the aquaponics system yourself, you'll have more plants than you'll know what to do with. If you decide to sell your vegetables ...guess what... you also havefishto sell! The aquaponics system produces both plantsandfish(You'll learn all the detail...
Worm composting (vermicomposting) is a great way for indoor gardeners and those with limited space to recycle kitchen scraps and create rich organic compost and compost tea. When you keep a worm bin, you can feed your worms fruit and veggie scraps which they process and turn into worm castin...
Add aged compost and aged manure to planting areas in the autumn before planting. Corn is a heavy feeder; it needs plenty of nitrogen user. Side dress corn with aged compost or compost tea when stalks are 10 inches tall and again when they are 18 inches tall and a third time when ...