@文心快码BaiduComatehow to check tablespace in oracle 19c? 文心快码BaiduComate 要检查Oracle 19c数据库中的表空间信息,可以按照以下步骤操作: 登录到Oracle 19c数据库: 你需要使用合适的数据库连接工具(如SQL*Plus、SQL Developer等)连接到Oracle 19c数据库。 使用合适的系统或用户权限: 查询表空间信息通常...
You have successfully extracted the information about Oracle tablespace. Let’s see another approach to perform the same operation. Method 2: Check Tablespace Size in Oracle Using Command To run a query for checking the tablespace size, open the “SQL Worksheet” by clicking on its icon: As a...
i.instance_name,i.host_namefromgv$sort_segment ss,gv$instance iwheress.tablespace_namein(selecttablespace_namefromdba_tablespaceswheretablespace_name='&TEMPTBS'andcontents='TEMPORARY')andi.inst_id=ss.inst_id; eg: TABLESPACE_NAME FREESPACEMB USEDSPACEMB TOTALSPACEMB INSTANCE_NAME HOST_NAME--- -...
一般的做法是,重启一次数据库,这样就可以确保所有事物使用的都是新建的undo tablespace。 通过以下sql可以查看当前系统中undo segment的情况: SQL>selectowner,segment_name,tablespace_namefromdba_rollback_segsorderby3; OWNER SEGMENT_NAME TABLESPACE_NAME--- --- ---PUBLIC _SYSSMU1$ RBS PUBLIC _SYSSMU2$ RB...
Solved: Hi Basis expert, Please kindly guide me How to reduce tablespace in Oracle. We have a lot of free size in tablespace because of spool deletion. Our problem is a
SQL> drop tablespace undo_rbs0 including contents. 可能碰到的问题 如果要drop的undo tablespace还有active事务的undo信息,那么需要等到事务结束之后,才能成功运行drop操作,否则会抛出ORA-30013: undo tablespace '%s' is currently in use错误。一般的做法是,重启一次数据库,这样就可以确保所有事物使用的都是新建的un...
The optional KEEP clause defines the lower bound that a tablespace can be shrunk to. It is the...
Tablespace dropped. SQL> select file_name from dba_data_files where tablespace_name='TESTING'; no rows selected SQL> !ls -ltr /home/oracle/app/oracle/oradata/cdb1/testin1.dbf ls: cannot access /home/oracle/app/oracle/oradata/cdb1/testin1.dbf: No such file or directory ...
If you want to recreate your temp tablespace, then follow below steps. For changing the default tablespace also, below steps can be used. Find the existing temp tablespace details SQL> ; 1* select tablespace_name,file_name from dba_temp_files ...
sql> select tablespace_name, status, count(*) from dba_rollback_segs group by tablespace_name, status; If there are Undo segments with a status other than OFFLINE in the tablespace to be dropped, we need to wait till they become OFFLINE. You may have to wait for the duration of the ...