select * from @t order by cast(dt as datetime)--max date select max(cast(dt as datetime)) from @t to get max date try prettyprintCopy select MAX(CAST(createdon as datetime)) from tablename But if possible, best thing would be to store these values as dates itself in database Please...
You forgot that I put the IdBounty in the SALES table because the join is done based on it ...
How to obtain the latest date in sql Use a MAX aggregation, e.g. with a CTE and then JOIN over PrimaryKey and max date, like Transact-SQL Copy ;WITH cte AS (SELECT QAA.PrimaryKey, MAX(DateSet) AS MaxDateSet FROM QLHRA_Actions_Activities AS QAA GROUP BY QAA.PrimaryKey) SELECT ...
The DatePart() function can also be used within the T-SQL statement. For example, in the query below, we add 1 day in the orderdate to calculate the shipping date. 1 2 3 4 5 6 SELECT SalesOrderID ,OrderDate ,DATEADD(day,1,OrderDate) AS PromisedShipDate FROM Sales.SalesOrder...
SELECT, factoryEmployees.hourlyWage, factoryEmployees.startDate FROM factoryEmployees WHERE name='Agnes'; Copy Output Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec) Records: 1 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 Note: The columns listed in this operation’sSELECTquery are each preceded by the ...
7 rows in set (0.00 sec) Notice that this result set returns theparkcolumn first, followed by thenamecolumn and thenvol_id. SQL databases will generally return columns in whatever order they’re listed in theSELECTclause. There may be times when you want to retrieve every column from a ta...
For more information about how SQL Server acquires memory, see Effects of min and max server memory. To set a fixed amount of memory In Object Explorer, right-click a server and select Properties. Click the Memory node. Under Server Memory Options, enter the amount that you want for ...
For more information about how SQL Server acquires memory, see Effects of min and max server memory. To set a fixed amount of memory In Object Explorer, right-click a server and select Properties. Click the Memory node. Under Server Memory Options, enter the amount that you want for ...
Here is our SQL query: SELECT first_name, last_name FROM people_massachusetts ; Using the WHERE command WHERE allows you to filter a query to be more specific. In our example, we want to filter our query to include only people with red hair who were born in 2003. Let's start with ...