I have been trying to displayplaceholderforh:inputSecretbut not able to do it. There is noplaceholderattribute is exist forh:inputSecretIts a small issue but i didn't find any solution. Can anyone suggest me a solution? css html
If I understood your question correctly, add the phone id to the same CSS rule as email. Like this: input#email:-moz-placeholder, input#phone:-moz-placeholder { color: #999 !important; } input#email:-ms-input-placeholder, input#phone:-ms-input-placeholder { color: #999 !important; } ...
The default styling for HTML form elements can often be somewhat dull and uninspiring. One element that is often in need of a design overhaul is theselect input, which is used to present users with a list of options to choose from. In this article, we will show you how to remove the ...
Topic: HTML / CSSPrev|NextAnswer: Use the disabled and selected AttributeThere is no attribute like input's placeholder for select box dropdown.However, you can create similar effect by using the HTML disabled and selected attribute on a <option> element that has empty value. You can ...
Change placeholder text color - Customize input placeholder color with ::placeholder using CSS. Code snippet to change the placeholder color of the input field using CSS for all browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Microsoft Edge).
Well organized and easy to understand Web building tutorials with lots of examples of how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Python, PHP, Bootstrap, Java, XML and more.
Well organized and easy to understand Web building tutorials with lots of examples of how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Python, PHP, Bootstrap, Java, XML and more.
Additionally, I need to include some basic page elements: A heading using the <h1> tag at the top of my page. Some text using the <p> to define paragraphs and CSS styles for color and font. The <input> tag to create form fields where visitors can enter their name and contact ...
Not only input text box but we can remove the outline from select box and textarea as well. We will use the same property for them too. Conclusion We can remove the outline of the input text field using the CSS outline property. This outline property can be used to textarea as ...