git config Here, email is a child property of the user configuration block. The git config editor - core.editor When your identity is set up, Git uses your system’s default editor, which is Vi or Vim. The git config sets up which editor Git will use. Here is the list...
Another way to show your Git username is with this git config command: git config --list which returns this output: Alexander[omitted] merge.tool=vimdiff 3) Look in your Git configuration file Finally, you can also see your Git username in the Git configurat...
To view the user name, the “$ git config –global –get” command can be utilized. The “$ git config –global –get” command is used to view the user email. The “$ git config –global credential.helper” command is used to show the credentials. The “$ git...
To locate the git config file in macOs, open the terminal and run thevim $HOME/.gitconfigcommand in the Terminal. vim$HOME/.gitconfig This above command will open the global git config file in vim file editor, where you can do the neccesary changes and save it once it’s done. ...
path=~/.gitconfig-apache 14 [includeIf "gitdir:~/src/"] 15 path=~/.gitconfig-cloudbees And then I have~/.gitconfig-apache,which looks like: 3 1 [user] 2 3 signingkey=042B29E928995B9DB963C636C7CA19B7B620D787 ...
wget tar xvjf git-2.43.0.tar.gz cd git-* ./configure make sudo make install How to Create a Git Project Now thatGITis installed, let’s set it up. In yourhomedirectory, there will be a file called “~/.gitconfig“...
Configuration can be achieved by using thegit configcommand. Specifically, we need to provide our name and email address because Git embeds this information into each commit we do. We can go ahead and add this information by typing:"Your Name" ...
when on my compute git config --list return info when on the ttyd git config --list return nothing so when I execute: git pull fatal: 无法访问 '':Failed to connect to port 443 after 195 ms: 拒绝连接 my config of t...
Don’t forget to give the time in seconds. Let’s see it in action. First, we need to activate the option to cache our credentials with the commandgit config credential.helper cache. Access the private repository with your username and password. ...
workEmail –This is your target email address. The email needed to commit successfully.In the first condition we validate that the global git config matches with our workEmail. If it fails we will see:echo "Commit email and global git config email differ" echo "Global commit emai...