It is also important to use only filters or films which are intended forvisualand not photographic use. Photographic filters might pass too much energy in invisible wavelengths (IR/UV) which might cause some damage to your sight without you even noticing. Commercial film solar filter Commercial g...
If you take photos from a backyard with heavy amounts of light pollution, consider using alight pollution filter.These filters ignore specific wavelengths of light in the visible spectrum associatedwith artificial lightsources, such as a street lamp. When it comes to collecting great data, there i...
The device's diameter is larger than most of the wavelengths it produces. This allows the device to create a wavefront that's more flat than rounded, keeping the sound from dispersing. Air interferes with sound waves as they pass through it. As the LRAD's sound waves interact with the ai...
Because blue and violet light have the shortest wavelengths, they scatter more than other colors of the visible spectrum. We see scattered wavelengths as color, and since our eyes are more sensitive to blue wavelengths, we never see the violet ones [source: Steiner, Zero-Gravity]. Read on ...
Although this light allows you to see everything around you, it's relatively chaotic. It contains lots of different wavelengths traveling in lots of different directions. Even waves of the same wavelength can be in a different phase, or alignment between the peaks and troughs. Laser light, ...
But what if trout can see a wider range of light wavelengths than we can—what about ultraviolet (UV)? Recently, fly tiers have used materials treated with dyes to reflect UV light. Do they more accurately imitate the trout’s prey? Humans don’t have UV-sensitive cones in our eyes, th...
Your body’s ability to produce melatonin, a hormone that promotes sleep, may be interfered with in the evening by bright lights, which include wavelengths of blue light. Using blue light-blocking glasses and avoiding digital screens for 30 minutes to an hour before bed are two strategies that...
While the atoms and molecules are releasing the same colours of light they normally do in these situations, the combined wavelengths of light mix together and appear as these other hues. How to see (and capture) the auroras Seeing the auroras for yourself is ...
Routers broadcast over a variety of wavelengths and channels, and the channels available to your network are determined by the Wi-Fi standard your router and devices support. The Wi-Fi standards change from year to year. The common standards you’ll see on the market (or printed on your rou...
Afoot-candleis a measurement of light intensity. One foot-candle is defined as enough light to saturate a one-foot square with one lumen of light. Lumensmeasure the total quantity of visible light emitted by a source. However, this measure doesn’t consider the wavelengths of light and theref...