To use UPI, users first download a UPI-enabled app, such as PhonePe, Google Pay, or Paytm. After installation, they register by linking their bank account and creating a unique virtual payment address (VPA), such as user@bankname, which serves as theirUPI ID. Step 2. Initiating a Transa... is used to open the deeplink url so that it opens any installed PSP(Payment Service Provider) application in my phone(like PhonePe, BHIM etc) func payButtonClicked() { guard let urlString = "upi://pay?pa=samplevpa@ybl&pn=Sample Name&am=1&cu=INR".addingPercent...
UPI IDcan be used within UPI-enabled apps like Google Pay, Paytm, PhonePe, BHIM, and many others. If you have multiple bank accounts linked to Google Pay, select an account from the list to view its respective UPI ID. Your UPI ID will be in the format of username@bankname. For examp...
Simple and convenient:UPI simplifies the process of online payments by eliminating the need to enter or remember multiple details such as account number, IFSC code, card number, etc. You can just use your VPA or scan a QR code to make or receive payments. Secure and safe:UPI ensures the ...
The customer enters a mobile number instead of UPI VPA/UPI ID, does a 2-factor authentication (as explained before) and completes the payment.Suitability:Any small and medium business that wants to provide UPI as a payment option. This mode should be used when you see that Goog...
Once your VPA is created, you will be able to send, receive, or transfer money through ‘scan and pay’. Read: How to block GPay, PayTM, PhonePe (UPI ID) when phone is lost 3] Send Money through BHIM You can send money through the BHIM app using a person’s mobile number, VPA,...
To do this, you will need to give the sender abroad your VPA (UPI's Virtual Private Address) and ask them to use a money transfer app that supports payments to UPI accounts in India.Popular platforms that support payment to UPI accounts in India include:...
UPI ID is a unique Virtual Payment Address (VPA) that is created automatically when a user creates an account on UPI-supported apps with the mobile number registered with his bank, like Paytm, Google Pay, etc. In addition to this, users can also create a custom UPI ID on their own by...