Subscribe toUbuntuBuzz Telegram Channelto get article updates. 1. About Open up start menu -> type "about" -> clickAbout this System-> information will show. See example below: the About will showKubuntu 24.04and more information about software and hardware. Your computer specifications will be...
When working with a system, it is often important to know the technical specifications of your hardware. One important piece of hardware in any computer is the graphics card, also known as a video card or GPU. This tutorial will outline how todisplay graphics card information on Ubuntu, using...
Install Ubuntu 24.04 afresh: it deletes your existing data and applications to give you a fresh new system. You can do it with any Ubuntu version. Upgrade to Ubuntu 24.04 from 22.04 or 23.10: your existing data and most of the applications remain as it is, and you get the new Ubuntu v...
Now, type the htop in the terminal to see the results: htop 6. Get CPU Info Using hwinfo Command As the name describes, thehwinfocommand tool is used to display hardware-related details on the terminal. To install the hwinfo utility on the terminal, run the given apt command: sudoaptinst...
TheUncomplicated Firewall (UFW)tool is implemented on top of iptables and provides a user-friendly alternative for configuring a firewall in Ubuntu. In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up firewall protection on an Ubuntu system with UFW. ...
You should see an application called “Take a screenshot” or “Screenshot“. Once you see it, click the application to open it (2.). 3. With the screenshot application now open on your Ubuntu device, let us run through the various options now available to you. In Ubuntu 22.04, these...
jq – A portable JSON processor with minimal system overhead. curl – Some themes may want to run curl to grab data (like weather info). With all that out of the way, let’s install Conky: In Ubuntu/Debian/Mint: Install Conky and all its dependencies: ...
How to Get Hardware Info on Ubuntu Installing Chrome on the Ubuntu Operating System How to Remove Files and Directories on Ubuntu Installing Node-RED on Ubuntu Installing the Ookla Speedtest CLI to Ubuntu This section will show you how to install the internet speed test CLI from Ookla to your...
SeeLinux Add or Remove a Linux Kernel Modules / Driversfor more info. How tolist available diskson a Debian or Ubuntu Linux You need to use the fdisk command and then press [enter] key: sudo fdisk -l My disks: Disk /dev/xvda: 40 GiB, 42949672960 bytes, 83886080 sectors ...
A Linux system (this tutorial usesUbuntu 22.04). Access to the terminal. A user account withsudoorroot privileges. What Are Linux Log Files? All Linux systems create and store information log files forbootprocesses,applications, and other events. These files are a helpful resource for troubleshoo...