Certificates were free in Coursera’s early days. Unfortunately, you can’t get a free certificate for completingCoursera coursesnow. You can, however,apply for financial aidfor most courses if you can’t afford to pay for a certificate. ...
Coursera University of Leeds Rafael Papallas Click Start CS: Information & Technology United Kingdom Beginner 2 Weeks 1-4 Hours/Week Paid Certificate 44.00 EUR English English No prior experience required. Enroll in course MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, ...
Coursera University of Colorado System Roger L Martinez Personal and Professional Development USA Beginner 5-12 Weeks 1-4 Hours/Week Yes, Paid Exam and/or Final Project Paid Certificate 45.00 EUR/month English English No prior background other than being a human! Enroll in co...
Certificate in Project Management Coursera, completed December 2019 See also:Project Managmeent Skills: Examples for Your Resume How to list multiple degrees When listing multiple degrees on your resume, list them in reverse chronlogical order, with the most recent first. Include the institution, de...
This helps the learner share your course branding without being too salesy, and highlights that your course offers a certificate. According to a study by Accredible, 63% of learners are more likely to enroll in a course if it offers a certificate of completion. Make sure you talk about ...
“Learning How to Learn - Coursera Certificate “Critical Thinking” - MadeUpUniversity Projects Companies will have a preference for applicants that have a passion for computer science. Showing that you have personal projects is one of the best ways to show that you have a passion for the job...
Learning How to Learn – Coursera Certificate CPR Certification Languages Your resume shows the assets you can offer to the foundation. Even though being bilingual may not be an essential skill, it is another asset that your future employer can call upon. ...
It takes around 25 hours to complete this course, and you’ll earn a certificate of completion. Complete Python Bootcamp Cost: $60.00 Audience: Beginners This is an excellent resource to learn Python 2 and 3. Over 23 course sections, you’ll understand comparison operators, Python statements, ...
After completing the course and passing the test the user or student receives a recognized certificate. 4. StudyBlue With the smart use of study guides, quizzes, and flashcards, this app is creating a buzz in the study field. Students rate these flashcard decks & tests and by doing this ...
Instructional Design Certificate – 4 courses (University of Wisconsin-Stout) Learning Design and Technology Graduate Certificate (Harvard Extension School) MicroMasters Program in Instructional Design and Technology (University of Maryland) Learning to Teach Online (Coursera) Instructional design models For ...