Accessing localhost on a mobile device extends the local development environment to mobile platforms. It helps developers test and debug their applications directly on mobile devices. It offers a more accurate representation of how the application will behave in real-world scenarios, ensuring a seamless...
Notice the URL's generated by ngrok. These URL's can be used to run your localhost on global platform. Type this URL in the desktop browser or any mobile browser, you will see that you are able to access your application globally.If...
I wanted to carry out a simple challenge on my home network: run a server on my laptop (localhost:3000) and then visit this from my mobile phone (on the same WIFI network and then from an external network) Preview: Part 1 (internal network): With my laptop firewall opened f...
Routes are, at heart, a mapping of a URL path (without the leading slash) to a component that should be displayed. So, in this particular case, when a user navigates to “https://localhost:4200/speakers,” they’ll be rewarded with the list of speakers at the conference. Come to ...
Under the ‘Configure Proxy Access to the Internet’ heading select Manual proxy configuration. For the SOCKS Host enterlocalhostor127.0.0.1and for the port, use the custom port specified in your tunnel,1337. Near the bottom, check the box ‘Proxy DNS when using SOCKS v5’ ...
I’ll leave that as an exercise for you as a way of exploring the code; run the tests with “gulp test:server” to avoid the client-side tests. Of course, you can always explore the API by using curl (“curl localhost:3000/api/speakers,” which will be empty unless you insert a ...
In the address bar, enter,,, or http://localhost. This should load the default login page. But if you see a router settings login page instead, don't log in unless you're at home. If the easy way doesn't work, you can try a slightly less easy ...
To have Mobile Apps manage the authentication process in your app, you must register your app with your identity provider. Then in your Azure App Service, you need to configure the application ID and secret provided by your provider. For more information, see the tutorial A...
Hint. Onrooted Android devices, you also need to check the entries in thehostsfile. On Android it is located here:/system/etc/hosts. By default, it should only contain the entry: localhost If the file contains other entries, remove them. ...
Go to “Credentials” and create a new OAuth 2.0 Client ID: Application type: Web application Authorized redirect URIs: Add http://localhost and http://localhost:3000. (when deploying to production, replace these with your domain, e.g., Step 6: Download Client ID ...