Search for installed PowerShell Modules The list of installed modules can be a lot to look at. You can use the where-object filter to search for a specific name (wildcard search). In this example, I’m looking for the exchange module so I search on the keyword “Exchange” get-module ...
In my PowerShell books, I use a domain (Reskit.Org) for all my examples. The password for this mythical domain’s Enterprise and Domain administrator is “Pa$$W0rd”. I am not too worried about exposing this password as it is only the password to a few dozen VMs. This means many of...
A streamlined option to this situation is PowerShell modules as they combine similar scripts or those geared towards solving different aspects of the same problem into a cohesive unit, so you have better control over its storage and usage, which makes it easy to share your code with others, r...
Use the following command to see what version is installed. PowerShell Get-ModulePowerShellGet, PackageManagement-ListAvailable The following output shows that the latest stable version needs to be installed. Output Directory: C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules ModuleType Version Name ExportedCo...
Are you sure you want to install the modules from 'https://www.powershellgalle'? [Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "N"): You can check if the module is installed or not using theGet-Modulecommand. ...
PowerShell design works on the .NET framework, which allows it to perform less as a simple command-line program and more as a programming language. The command is also involved in PowerShell's pipeline semantics. It consists of the use of objects as recipients in a pipeline, i.e., to ...
See also After you've written your PowerShell module, you can add an optional module manifest that includes information about the module. For example, you can describe the author, specify files in the module (such as nested modules), run scripts to customize the user's environment, ...
Now that we know these two methods to install the drivers, let’s see how we can use them in VBScript or PowerShell. How to Install Drivers with VBScript Let’s consider this scenario: thedriver .inf nameis HP.inf and the DPInst.exe utility, along with the.inf file, are placed in ...
PowerShell Remoting is used to connect to a remote computer. This requiresthat Windows Remote Management (WinRM) is enabledand configured on the remote host. Create a new session with the remote computer that has the AD PowerShell module installed: ...
The objective of this article is to introduce you to a process to assign licenses to your Office 365 users automatically.This process is based on a set of PowerShell scripts.You can find the required PowerShell script code at the end of this article....