Facebook has a lot to answer for, but in the meantime, you might be curious to see if you've given sketchy apps access to your data over the years. There's a very good chance you have: I found today that 170 apps were able to access some level of my personal Facebook data. Some...
Now you’ll see a list of every single device that has access to your Facebook account, along with the date that it was logged in and usually also the location. Most (or hopefully all) of the things on the list will be devices you recognize, like your phone, laptop or desktop compute...
The Facebook app on your iPhone and Android can keep a record of all the website links you visit. In this tutorial, we will show you how to turn on this feature, go through the list of links you have visited in the last 30 days, and turn it off if you don’t find it useful. ...
How to view Facebook followers on mobile devices The Facebook app provides a convenient way to manage your account, friends, and followers from your phone or tablet. The browser version also allows you to do the same, except letting you see followers. If you use the web version, switch to...
See:How to log out of Facebook account on all devices? 4] Use some other generic methods like contacting a mutual friend Suppose you have tried the above methods and are still confused about whether the suspected person has blocked you or deleted their Facebook account. In that case, you ...
Learn how to view your pending sent friend requests on Facebook, plus how to cancel any friend requests that you've sent out.
TapView locationon the Facebook Messenger chat screen to see the person’s (precise) location. Remember, Messenger’s location tracking feature lets you track someone’s location on Facebook for up to 60 minutes. When the one-hour timer runs out, they must manually turn on location sharing ...
Method 1: On Android & iPhone devices 1.Launch the “Facebook” application,Sign-inusing your credentials, and tap on the “three-dash” menu from the top menu bar. 2. Scroll down and tap on the “See more” option to access more options. ...
We'll show you how to find out which apps have data on you, and how to cut them off. watch now VIDEO00:00 Here's how to see which apps have access to your Facebook data — and cut them off If you've ever opened an app and selected the option to "log in with Facebook" inst...
We show you where you can see sent friend requests on Facebook and how to cancel friend requests in case you want to.