But for one reason or another, your Telegram account got banned, and you're wondering whether there's a way to get it back.Getting your Telegram account banned is frustrating. But the good news is that it's not always final. In this guide, you'll learn why Telegram bans accounts, its...
While being banned in a subreddit is easy to understand, shadowbanning is unique. A shadowbanned user can post or comment on Reddit but all their contributions to the website are recorded as spam and need approval so that they are broadcasted on Reddit. The only person who can see the co...
For this reason, it’s not uncommon for users to have one or two “main” accounts that they rely on and several “throwaway accounts” that are only used once or in certain situations. Once you’ve signed up, you'll be automatically subscribed to several popular subreddits, like r/vide...
Why Did You Get Banned? Instagram curates everyone’s posts, accounts, and comments in an attempt to better control the user experience. You may be familiar with bans for hate speech and bullying. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Meta aims to protect users from other harmful aspe...
Note:This number also reflects users from the countries where TikTok is banned. Let us take you through TikTok’s Monthly Active Users in detail below to see how many active users the platform really has. Source:Statista TikTok Monthly Active Users ...
You've probably used Reddit before. It is a fun platform and you could spend hours scrolling without realising it. But there's so much more you can do with
Gradually, you might start sharing content from your Instagram in your Reddit posts. You won’t be able to link to your Instagram profile directly from these posts (self-promotion is against the rules of Reddit and is likely to get you banned) but you canindirectlylead people back to your...
That's how to change location on Facebook Marketplace. As you can see, many options can help you achieve the goal. But, if you are looking for a reliable, secure, and flexible way, don't hesitate to selectFacebook Location Changer. With this app, everything becomes simple, and you do...
Many TikTok users are reporting that their accounts have been locked abruptly and there’s no way present to undo this. Users are also wondering if their account is banned or hacked. Although that’s not the case usually as TikTok is the main culprit behind this problem. ...
Can I get my banned account back with these methods? It can be very upsetting to wake up one morning and realize your TikTok account has been banned. TikTok has been known to suspend user accounts for various issues, often in one massive purge at a time. ...