To exit this mode, press Esc key. Note: No other keyboard shortcut works when you are in Presentation mode. Have a question or an idea? If you have a question to ask or an idea to share, come and participate inAdobe Illustrator Community. We would love to hear from you and see your...
I would like to rezise my canvas in Illustrator and I dont know how to do that! Why: I'de like to fit my AI design on to an other AI, real size object and the Illustrator canvas is to small to handle the design in a proper way. So my design is to large to fit the ...
Near the bottom of the Image Size dialog, un-tick the Resample check box. Edit the Resolution field: change 72 to 300 . . . and see the effect on the image size. That's what "resolution" is, the number that resolves the image (print) size based on number...
Using Alt+Drag to duplicate objects Using Paste in Place and Paste onAll Artboardsoptions Draw Inside mode The Draw Inside mode allows you to draw inside the selected object. The Draw Inside mode eliminates the need to perform multiple tasks such as drawing and altering stacking order or drawing...
Whatever style you decide on, determining this before starting the actual creation process will help you be on the lookout for elements that can bring it into fruition. 04. Choose a type When you think about how to design a logo, keep in mind that there are different types of logos out...
If you lack artistic ability, you can pay a patent illustrator to provide the drawings — or perhaps even a 3D rendering — for you. What If You Aren't Ready to Apply for a Patent? If your invention isn't yet perfect, or if for some other reason you are not yet ready to file a...
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a simple vase and how to add texture in Illustrator to bring it to life. We'll share top Adobe Illustrator textures too.
If you're wondering how to make a pattern in Illustrator with balance, you need to consider three different aspects:1. SizeEach composing shape or element should be created in relation to its neighbors, so that in the end they will coexist harmoniously, without giving the feeling that they’...
Although Black Friday can be a hectic time during the year, it’s important that you make sure you plan ahead based on what it is you want. When it comes to Adobe Software, Black Friday, as we mentioned earlier, is one of the best days for discounts. ...
If you’re making a poster, depending on its size and distance from the viewer, you’ll need at least 100 DPI. You can also use lower DPIs for smaller images or test images if you like. This is something you can play around with on Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign to find the bes...