1: Access the USPTO trademark search system (TESS) TESS, the Trademark Electronic Search System of the USPTO, provides you with online access to the database of registered trademarks. You can access the TESS from the United States Patent and Trademark Office homepage. Each search session on the...
Trademark infringement can also lead to fines and damages, and so it is obviously best avoided. Performing a trademark search is an essential first step in selecting a mark. We recommend that you do a preliminary search yourself, and then take advantage of a professional USPTO trademark search...
If so, then you can skip Step #1. For everyone else, performing a comprehensive trademark search is the most important step in the process. How can you expect the USPTO to approve your trademark application if you haven’t checked to make sure that it isn’t too similar to another registe...
It is important to ensure that the trademark is available and the new trademark is not infringing on someone else’ intellectual property.
A trademark ensures your business name is protected. Learn how to trademark a business name and what the USPTO is looking for when you apply.
Trademark Search Before registering your trade name, you must make sure that no one else has registered this name. Run a trademark search through the USPTO's Trademark Electronic Search Service. Select the "basic word mark search" option to search for names of other businesses. If you discover...
Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) website. You can search their trademark database to see if your slogan is already in use. If a similar trademark already exists, your application will be likely be refused. Step 2: Determine the Slogan’s Distinctiveness The best slogans are ones that ...
Benefits of trademark registration: USPTO registration gives you proof of legal trademark ownership as well as documentation. National protection against similar marks. Get the right to use the registered trademark symbol (®). Protect your products from similarly branded goods that are imported. ...
Registering a trademark takes some time, but it is worth it for the longevity and legal protection of your business. This article tells you what you need to do.
You can use the following strategies to narrow your search results to a manageable number, but be aware that the more you do, the higher the odds you’ll miss a conflicting trademark, and USPTO could deny your application. Be conservative in your approach to avoid unwanted trademark confusion...