Students waste much effort in the process and are frequently driven to frus- tration.For many years I have used a simple approach to efficiently read papers. This paper describes the ‘three-pass’ approach and its use in doing a literature survey. 2. THE THREE-PASS APPROACHThe key idea ...
Many universities and research institutions maintain their own repositories of scholarly work produced by their faculty and students. These repositories often make papers freely available to the public. Try searching for “[University Name] repository” to find these goldmines of information. 4. Check ...
Search space Search heuristics Organizational search Innovation intermediaries Problem framing Boundary spanning 1. Introduction Organizational search is central to classic and contemporary innovation theories (Laursen, 2012, Nelson and Winter, 1982). However, while firms in search of “new combinations” (...
Google Scholar is a dedicated search engine specifically designed by Google to find academic and scholarly publications. You can find in-depth results such as books, journal articles, dissertations, and abstracts from a variety of areas. So, if you’re in urgent need of reciting reliable sources...
Google Scholar:大而全,质量不一,排序筛选功能少 Semantic Scholar: AI 驱动的学术搜索引擎 IEEE Xplore:覆盖 IEEE(电气电子工程师学会)的文献资料 ACM Digital Library:集合了ACM(国际计算机学会) 和其他 5,000 多家出版社的出版物 Web of Science:综合型多学科文摘数据库,包含 SCI, SSCI, A&HCI, CPCI-S 等...
Article Google Scholar Dunn A, Dagdelen J, Walker N, Lee S, Rosen AS, Ceder G, Persson K, Jain A (2022) Structured information extraction from complex scientific text with fine-tuned large language models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.05238) Foppiano L, Castro PB, Ortiz Suarez P, Terashima...
Search for experts It helps to know who the more influential voices are in your field. You can enter a search term in Google Scholar and find the most cited papers. But first, open the sidebar (select the hamburger icon next to the Google Scholar logo) and selectProfiles. ...
How to Find Free Articles on Google Scholar Regardless of whether you are an academic, or researcher, the Google search engine has become the go-to for everything from general queries to research papers. Nevertheless, to make scholarly literature including articles, theses, and abstracts more acce...
PROSPERO was first searched to confirm that no other systematic reviews on this topic were underway. The sesarch strategy was then co-developed by the authors. The initial search was conducted in October 2022, with an updated search in June 2023. There were no date limits set with papers ret...
Instead of searching for scholarly articles in a standard Google search, you can use a simpler method to find articles. Google Scholar is a division of Google that focuses on scholarly literature, that way you can easily find articles that you need for your research. ...