mongo show dbs; 显示数据库 use StackRowsDb;选中当前数据库 db.StackRowsDb.createIndex({"Title": "text","Tags": "text","Body": "text" }); 创建索引对指定字段进行字符搜索 db.StackRowsDb.getIndexes() : List all the indexes After creating the index, you use filter to search the specified...
MySQL - SELECT * FROM users WHERE name LIKE '%m%' MongoDb 1) db.users.find({ "name": { "$regex": "m", "$options": "i" } }) 2) db.users.find({ "name": { $regex: new RegExp("m", 'i') } }) 3) db.users.find({ "name": { $regex:/m/i } }) 4) db.users.f...
The date function converts a string to a MongoDB Date type. NoSQLBooster for MongoDB uses Moment.js to parse date string. When creating a date from a string, Moment.js first check if the string matches the known ISO 8601 formats, Moment.js then check if the string matches the RFC 282...
Now, let's get into setting up a MongoDB Atlas cluster, which we will use to store our embeddings. Step 1: Create an account To create a MongoDB Atlas cluster, first, you need to create a MongoDB Atlas account if you don't already have one. Visit the MongoDB Atlas website and cl...
Sample query to vector search We can test the vector similarity search by running the sample query with the LangChain MongoDB Atlas Vector Search connector. Run the following code in your Jupyter notebook: 1 texts_sim = vectorstore.similarity_search(query, k=3) 2 3 print(...
Hi There is any option to search integer values in mongodb like sql LIKE operator for example : I have some vale like 12,25,35,10,20,30 now i need to fetch 12,25,20 i can fetch this values in sql query (select * from table where col LIKE...
"mongodb": { "db": "testmongo", "collection": "person" }, "index": { "name": "mongoindex", "type": "person" } }' To view indexed data in ElasticSearch, use the following command – http://localhost:9200/mongoindex/person/_search?preety ...
1 or true to include the field in the return documents. NOTE For better understanding I have written similar MySQL query. Selecting specific fields MongoDB :db.collection_name.find({},{name:true,email:true,phone:true}); MySQL :SELECT name,email,phone FROM table_name; ...
How To Configure Keyfile Authentication for MongoDB Replica Sets on Ubuntu 20.04 How To Use Sharding in MongoDB How To Perform Full-text Search in MongoDB How To Use Schema Validation in MongoDB How To Monitor MongoDB's Performance Check out all our Tutorial Series -> ...
MongoDB Starts With Query Using Regular Expressions Regular expressions, often abbreviated as regex, are sequences of characters that define a search pattern. They are incredibly powerful tools for matching, searching, and manipulating text. MongoDB allows us to use regular expressions as part of qu...