Cricut mugsare SO popular — mytutorial on how to put vinyl on mugshas nearly a million views! But one question I keep getting over and over is how to seal the mugs after you apply the vinyl. Most people don’t bother to seal their mugs as permanent vinyl usually does well enough on...
How To Make Tumblers: Cut vinyl design with Cricut machine. Weed excess vinyl from around the outsides and the insides of the design. Put transfer tape down onto the design and burnish (A.K.A. rub) with your thumb or the back of a weeding tool. Make sure it is good and stuck. ...
You can easily customize different types of tumblers with the help of a Cricut or another vinyl cutting machine. To customize a glass tumbler, you will need your Cricut, etching cream, removable vinyl, and transfer tape. Use your Cricut to create a design for your tumbler. Remove the design...