Where joints occur, felt shall be lapped not less than 6 inches (152 mm). Such felt or other approved material shall be continuous to the top of walls and terminated at penetrations and building appendages in such a manner to meet the requirements of the exterior wall envelope as described ...
Tuck-pointing Mortar Joints with Mortar Repair Repairing Concrete Edges & Corners Repairing Cracks in Vertical Concrete Surfaces Anchoring Handrails & Bolts in Concrete Making Permanent Repairs to Asphalt Potholes Repairing & Sealing Expansion Joints...
Wall replacement:This elaborate method is mainly used for severely damaged masonry, and involves partially replacing the wet bricks, mortar, or concrete in the wall. To prevent the water from rising, it’s best to install a horizontal barrier beforehand, but this will be limited by the structur...
Spray the surface of the wall, both the stones and the mortared joints, with a concrete sealer to protect the wall from moisture stains. . Tip Color the mortar with pigment to match the stone before setting the stones in place to help hide the mortar layer and increase the illusion of n...
That way I can get foam board down before I put the 2×4 baseboard down, or do I want that 2×4 to be on the concrete floor. David Reply Todd Dave – Either approach will work. Good luck. Reply Lori If the basement has already been framed, how can we seal the foam boards ...
Guide to Different Types of Anchor Bolts Posted: April 14, 2023 How to Know What Type of Fastener Is Right for a Project Posted: March 17, 2023 Contractor Approved Approved by many Same Day Shipping* Have Your Items in No Time!
Concrete Mixes Enter the size of the slab you want to build in square feet. The calculator will indicate the number of bags you will need to build a 4 inch or 6 inch slab. (all yields are approximate and do not allow for uneven substrate, waste, etc.) ...
If the area is to be surfaced with asphalt, a concrete landing strip must be poured. In warm temperatures, the landing strip will prevent the trailer’s landing gear from sinking into the asphalt when spotted. Typical position of semi-truck landing gear is 120″ behind the nose of the tra...
This rating is based on the tire's ability to stop a car on wet concrete and asphalt. It does not indicate the tire's cornering ability. According to this NHTSA page, the Firestone Wilderness AT and Radial ATX II tires that have been in the news have a traction rating of B. ...
Watch out: don't do what our nightmare builder did in Minnesota: First, while installing ceramic tile on a concrete slab floor he used too much tile setting cement such that cement oozed up from between the tiles, filling the future grout joints. Then he charged us hundreds of dollars for...