Sometimes, wallpaper removal can cause tears in the drywall. If this happens, seal the torn area with a thin layer of joint compound. Allow it to dry, sand it smooth, and then prime the wall before repainting or applying new wallpaper. Painted Over Wallpaper If the wallpaper has been p...
Sometimes it will come off in little pieces no matter what wallpaper removal trick you try. A lot of it has to do with whether the walls were properly prepped before wallpapering or not. If it doesn’t come off quite as easily as you’d like here’s what to do: 3. Use a Putty K...
Whether you want tobreathe life into an old roomor seal some holes and cracks, replacing your existing wallpaper will make your home look better! However, it can be frustrating to do it yourself since wrinkles, bumps, and bubbles can quickly appear. ...